Thursday, December 4, 2008

Wildrice Stuffing

Growing up, the only stuffing I truly enjoyed was this delicious Minnesotan Wild Rice Stuffing.  It's a tradition to eat this delicous dish on Thanksgiving... has been for as long as I can remember.  This recipe dates back a few generations... and it's my favorite.

Minnesota Wild Rice Stuffing - Mom
{Print Recipe}

2/3 C wild rice, uncooked*
1 large onion, chopped
2 C celery, cut into small pieces
1 1/2 loaves of bread, dried (and cubed)
Sage and lemon pepper seasoning, to taste
4oz mushrooms (either canned or fresh)

*You can also use Uncle Ben's Original Wild Rice in this stuffing

Pull out that "old" bread in the freezer, let it thaw and break into chunks. Leave it sit on your counter to harden for a day or so before you plan to make the stuffing.

Prepare rice as directed on the package. Set aside and allow rice to cool. [I often prepare this a day in advance]

Dice celery and onions according to taste.

Put the celery and onion in a pan together, cover with water and simmer until tender.

When cooked, DO NOT DRAIN.
Refrigerate the veggies and their cooking water until cool.

Mix dried bread in a large bowl with the cooled celery and onion mix.

Mix to a "mush" consistency.

Add rice and mix.

The stuffing should be the consistency of oatmeal. If it's too dry, you can add more water, or even chicken/veggie broth. If you are adding mushrooms, add them now.

Place in a greased 9x13 pan and bake at 350 until heated through - approximately 45 minutes.

Stir occasionally - the most frequently you stir the softer the stuffing!

This post is linked to:
Show us Your Life: Thanksgiving Recipes
Tried and True Thanksgiving Recipes
Bake at 350's Flavor of the Month: Traditions
Ingredient Spotlight


  1. That sounds really tasty. It's definitely different from what I am use to (growing up in TX). I may have to try that as a side dish for just any ole' meal! :)

  2. That sounds delicious! Thanks so much for linking up! I love a stuffing from scratch and not from a box!

  3. ok- that sounds amazing! I love this idea and will be making it soon!

  4. I've never had rice stuffing, but that looks delicious!!!

  5. I've never had a wild rice stuffing, but yours looks fantastic! I love that it's a simple recipe too, with easy to find ingredients.

  6. This sounds really good. I am a stickler for my dressing, but this looks amazing. I will have to try this!

  7. Do you have any recommendations for what kind of bread tastes good in this recipe? I am thinking I might make some pumpernickel!

  8. I'm totally going to make this for Thanksgiving!


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