Sunday, March 8, 2009

Nut-Free Trail Mix

From Trail Mix
Trail mix is something I love... and something I can never buy... because if it doesn't have nuts in it, it's often processed using the same equipment as nuts. So, we've created a trail mix that's delicious and wonderful without nuts. If you wish, peanuts might make an excellent addition to this mix.

Snow White's Nut-Free Trail Mix*

2 C pretzels
2 C corn or wheat Chex (or Crispix)
1 C raisins
1 C dried cherries (or cherry flavored Craisins)
1/2 C dark chocolate M & Ms, or chocolate chips (we use Hershey's or homemade)

Gather all ingredients together.
From Trail Mix
Combine pretzels and cereal together in a large container.
From Trail Mix
Add dried fruit - here we used cherries and raisins
From Trail Mix
Add M&Ms or other chocolates of your choosing... (but not too many... remember, this should be healthy!)

Close the lid and gently shake to combine ingredients

From Trail Mix

You can also add your own dehydrated fruit... apples and pineapple are fun treats.

*For a truly nut-free mix, be sure to check labels on all ingredients going into the mix :) Since I don't have a peanut allergy...dark chocolate M&Ms are fine for us.


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I can't wait to try some of your recipes. They look great.

  2. Oh this looks so yummy I wish I had some right now! I don't have a peanut allergy either so the m&ms would be lovely!

  3. Thanks so much for letting me know about the Beef Broccoli...makes me want to make it even more now!

  4. I didnt know about this blog of yours! Totally love it.

  5. Hi Snow White - thanks for stopping by my site - I left a message there for you. I'll have to send your trail mix recipe to my friend whose daughter has a nut allergy - looks good!


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