Friday, March 13, 2009

Oatmeal and Fruit

Oats have so many wonderful health benefits, and I love them. One thing I'm not so good at, is getting fruits into my diet. I have oral allergy syndrome, so I often have to find ways to cook my fruit so that I can enjoy it. So, I decided to try cooking some fruit in with my oatmeal, and it's delicious.

Oatmeal and Applesauce*
1 serving of oatmeal, cooked
1 serving of applesauce (I used our homemade)
1/2 - 1 tsp. cinnamon, to taste
1 T of brown sugar (if applesauce is unsweetened)

Oatmeal and Blueberries(or raspberries)
1 serving of oatmeal, cooked
1 serving of blueberries (I frozen during the winter and fresh in the summer)
1/2 - 1 tsp. cinnamon, to taste
1 T of brown sugar (if berries are too tart)

Oatmeal and Peaches (or nectarines)
1 serving of oatmeal, cooked
1 serving of peaches (I frozen or canned during the winter and fresh in the summer)
1/2 - 1 tsp. cinnamon, to taste
1 T of brown sugar (if peaches need it... usually only the fresh ones do)

Place fruit in a small sauce or frying pan, and warm/cook fruit with a bit of brown sugar and water, if needed. Cook oatmeal according to directions, I omit salt, and just before oatmeal is fully cooked, add fruit to the oatmeal and allow both to finish cooking. Transfer to a bowl and top with cinnamon. Enjoy!

*If using applesauce, just make the oatmeal as directed.

When done, place oatmeal in a bowl, and stir in 1 serving of applesauce. I usually don't heat the applesauce because it cools the oatmeal down enough that I can eat it right away :) Top with cinnamon, and enjoy.


  1. Oh my goodness, we have oatmeal every morning for breakfast...this would be a HIT at my house! Thank you so much!

    By the way, you asked how I put in the 'linking' pictures on my sidebar. All you do is 'add a gadget' to your sidebar...a picture. Then at the top is has a place you can put the url. Plug in the url you want to direct people to, and you're done! Hope that helps! :)

  2. Can you tell me what a "serving" of applesauce would be? Thanks!

  3. @ Klutzymama --

    Yes, I usually make the "healthy heart" serving of oatmeal and use a heaping 1/2 C of applesauce (or of other fruits).

  4. Tastes like apple pie.....what a treat for breakfast!

  5. Hello! I think I'll make this tomorrow! Looks delish and since we just got 6 inches of show, it should make for a warm, hearty breakfast.

    For a summer option, I often eat applesauce topped with homemade granola for breakfast. It's another way to get the fruit and the oats, but a cold version.

    Thanks for all of your great posts and recipes. Yum!


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