Monday, May 18, 2009

An Award!

Sherry over at A Little Fun with Me and Lu and Joy from Joy of Desserts nominated me for my very first blog award! Over the past month or so, I've gotten to know a lot more wonderful ladies who have inspired me in my daily life, especially in my kitchen.

The One Lovely Blog Award is all about making new friends. and since this blog is all about cooking, I'm passing this on to 15 lovely ladies (in no particular order) who have become my "cooking friends":

1) Kate at Cooking During Stolen Moments
2) Sandra at Keeping it Simple
3) Lucy at Lucy's Life
4) Taryn at The Colorado Desert
5) Sara at Simply Sara
6) Lynn at Lynn's Kitchen Adventures
7) Heidi at Tried-and-True Cooking with Heidi
8) Tracey at Girls to Grow
9) Leigh Anne at Your Homebased Mom
10) Amy at The Finer Things in Life
11) Kristen at From My Tiny Kitchen
12) Katie at 3 Blondes and a Redhead
13) Lara at Recipe Shoebox
14) Pheobe at Cents to Get Debt Free
15) Rebekah at Family, Food and Fun

Thanks for all your inspiration, ladies!


  1. Haha...just click over to see your new recipes for the week...
    Thanks so much *wink*
    I'm excited to visit some of these ladies too!

  2. Thank you for the I'm blushing. °Ü°

  3. Thank you so much for the lovely award. I will be posting my official thank you later today!

  4. My first blog award ever - how exciting! Thanks so much for thinking of me!! I haven't been blogging long, but am thrilled at finding so many new online friends!

  5. Thanks so much! (I will post about this when I get home. You are too kind!)

  6. Thanks so much for the award! What a great list of foodie bloggers to explore too.

    Kate @ Stolen Moments

  7. Thank you for the award! Very exciting, my first one! I'll be trying to post more recipes soon....and I love looking at yours!

  8. Thanks so much for including me! I'm honored. ;-)


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.