Sunday, June 28, 2009

Warm Delights

I've never yet tried Betty Crocker's Warm Delights, but I've heard people enjoy them very much. Last week, I found a recipe at Frugal Antics of a Harried Housemaker for making your own warm delights. Since we all know how much I love warm cake with no frosting (yes, this is my favorite birthday cake), these are my new downfall.

Seriously. Cake in less than 1 minute = danger. Warm cake = bigger problem. I have to set a limit -- I cannot make and consume an entire cake mix box of warm delights in one sitting... or in a week for that matter!

But, these things are great for a sweet treat when you need a little pick-me-up. I've only make them without fillings, but Kristen has tried a whole bunch of fillings :)

Warm Delights - from Kristen

1/8 C water
1/4 C cake mix (any kind you want)
1-2 tsp. filling

In a microwavable safe bowl, mix together water and cake mix (batter will be lumpy).

Place the fillings in the center and then microwave on high for 1 minute.

Carefully remove from the microwave (the dish will be hot)...

And, enjoy! You can even add a small scoop of ice cream to the top -- yum.

Some center fillings you might enjoy:

-hot fudge
-cherry pie filling
-Oreo cookies (broken up and mixed in the batter)

Yum. Thanks, Kristen... i think....


  1. Yum...I love warm delights too! Looks great and simple :)

  2. What a great idea...I have a bunch of cake mixes that I bought this winter. I can't wait to try this.

  3. Wow how simple! I need to let my kids try this one sometime for a special treat!


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