Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Apple Honey Tea

Are you peeling a bunch of apples?

Save those peels!

You can make a delicious tea.

Apples with un-waxed peels work best, but you can make this with waxed ones too.  Prepare the tea as directed below, upping the quantity as you need.

You can freeze the tea, so make lots while you have the peels!

Apple Honey Tea - Finding Joy in My Kitchen

~6 apple peels
3-4 C water
1/2 tsp. cinnamon (or 1 cinnamon stick)
1 T honey
1 T lemon juice

Place apple peels in a sauce pan. Cover with water and lemon juice and cinnamon.

Bring to a boil for 10-15 minutes, until liquid is colorful and appley.

Strain out the apple peels using a colander positioned over a large bowl.

Then, add in the honey. Taste... add additional honey or cinnamon to taste.

If you are serving right away, you may choose to add a cinnamon stick in place of ground cinnamon.  Then, to keep the tea warm, transfer to a crockpot set to "low" or "warm".

To make ahead for a frugal holiday party beverage, just boil the apple peels and then freeze the liquid.

Add to your crockpot about 3 hours before serving, and heat through adding lemon, honey and cinnamon sticks to taste. Serve warm from the crockpot.

As a bonus, your house will smell amazing while simmering away this tea.

What do you do with your apple peels?

This post is linked to:
Fall into Flavor 09Crockpot WednesdaysURS: Anything GoesGrocery Cart ChallengeFall Season Recipe Roundup at the Krazy KitchenRhoda's Recipe PartyThe Progressive Dinner Party - Beverages 
Works for Me Wednesday URS Ingredient Spotlight


  1. What a neat way to use apple peels - would never have thought of it!!

  2. I am so glad I found your blog! I am loving it.

  3. i never thought to make tea out of peels! i made apple jelly out of my peels and cores :)

  4. Wow, thanks, friend. This weekend I am making apple sauce and apple butter with my sister in law because I have a bushel and a half of apples. I'll definitely be saving some peelings for this. What a tasty treat.

  5. P.S. Did you try refrigerating it and heating it up later? I'm just wondering if I made a big pot if I could do that...

  6. My kids are gonna love this! I hope it's cold on Halloween!

  7. What a great idea! I never would have thought of that. I'm currently working through a 40lb box of apples, so this is fabulous.

  8. What a good idea. Years ago my grandmother used peels to make cinnamon jelly.

  9. That sounds heavenly. Now if it would just get cool here so I could enjoy a cup!

  10. That's such a cool idea! I peel apples all the time! I'd love to try this!

  11. Too cool! I don't like tea at all, but I still think this looks totally awesome. How creative!

  12. Great tip and recipe! I have been just tossing all my peels with some spices into a pot and letting them simmer on the back burner. The house always smells so good!

  13. I am so saving my next apple peels!

  14. WOW! What a great idea! I just LOVE your blog! I have so many of "this weeks" recipes from your blog! I love it ... I'm sure my family does too, bc the meals keep on coming :)

  15. I love this idea! I am always looking for new ways to use up leftovers and this is the most delicious one I have stumbled upon in a long time!

  16. Apple tea is one of my favorites in the fall! I usually just buy a batch of it but it seems like it would be so much better homemade. Love the color!

  17. What a GREAT!!! recipe using apple peels. THANKS!!! Geri

  18. Wow - never would have thought to try this!

  19. Oh this tea sounds divine!! I will be trying it soon. Thank you.

  20. Even though everyone else already said it, I'm chiming in too :) This recipe sounds soo good, I can't believe I never thought of it before! Can't wait to try it.

  21. This is my first visit and through Rhoda's party. This grabbed my attention--I am a hot tea drinker. This is really interesting and sounds good! Now I may have to make an apple pie just to get the peels :)

  22. No way!!! That's awesome! I peeled a bag of apples today for my fresh apple nut cake. Sure wish I would've read this before I threw those peels out! LOL Thanks for sharing. I'm definitely filing this away for the next apple adventure!


  23. This is amazing! I can't wait to try it!

  24. I should have been all caught up reading your blog before I made all the jam! I wish I had saved some for this. I might have to buy more apples!

    (Can you warm it back up for later?)

  25. This sounds great and definitely a perfect fall treat!

  26. How pretty is that?? Sounds tasty too and I'm sure it makes the home smell wonderful. Thanks for linking up to the Bloggy Progressive Dinner!

  27. I'm making applesauce tomorrow. This will be a perfect treat!

  28. Do you use water or apple juice to make this tea? The recipe says water, but the jug looks like juice or cider. It's such a beautiful color when finished!

  29. @ jsangel --

    I use water to make the tea -- the jug is my honey supply in the photo above! We buy honey in bulk.

    So yes, use water and just boil the peels to make this beverage.

  30. Pardon my jealousy... that's your honey jug?! Do you buy locally? I can't find anything that size around here. My daughter and I will make your apple tea tomorrow afternoon. Thank you!!

  31. this looks super yummy, can't wait to try it.

  32. Just made some for breakfast this morning. delish!

  33. I made this today for the first time after peeling apples for apple cake. How yummy!!! I'll never throw away apple peels again wihtout making some of this! :)

  34. Apple honey tea! What a great idea :)

  35. This is great, thanks! I'm going to make some and freeze it for my Christmas party.

  36. Thank you for the tips!! I am enjoying my first cup of apple honey tea as I type! Love it!!!

  37. Just wanted to let you know that I shared a link to your recipe in a post of ways to use apple peels! I can't wait to try it out the next time I buy apples!!

  38. I save my apple peels when canning apples (apple pie mix) and freeze them. Later on when I have time, I boil them down and make apple jelly. I never waste peels. Right now I have both apple and pear peels in the freezer and plan on boiling both down together to make jelly. The color is beautiful and the jelly is delicious!

  39. I'm dehydrating apples tomorrow and I'll save my peels. This should be interesting.

  40. I just tried this a few days ago and fell in love with the tea!! so great! We had just made an apple pie and didn't know what to do with the peels! Now we do :) thanks so much for the recipe!

  41. Just got a huge bag of apples ~~~ guess what I am doing with the peels!


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