Friday, November 27, 2009

Lucy's Dinner Rolls

We survived our first Thanksgiving!  Well, actually, this is our third Thanksgiving together, but the first time we've celebrated in our own place, making our own turkey (more about that later) and enjoying sharing our thanks just the two of us.  It was a special day.

Now, we're looking at the leftovers of a 14.66 pound bird... yum.  We're going to be eating turkey for months.

One delicious way we love to eat turkey is in a hot turkey/gravy sandwich.  Lucy's dinner rolls were made for just that purpose.  They came out of the oven yesterday about an hour before the turkey did, so we could have a nourishing snack before the meal, and have leftovers for sandwiches.

If you're looking for a delicious dinner roll, these fit the bill.  Thanks, Lucy, for another fabulous recipe.

Lucy's Dinner Rolls - Adapted from Lucy
{Print Recipe}

Makes 12-14 rolls

1/2 + 1/6 C milk
1/2 tsp. salt
1 T sugar
1 T butter
1 C whole wheat flour
3/4 C all purpose flour 
1 1/4 tsp. yeast

Place ingredients in your bread machine pan, as directed by the manufacturer.

Set the bread machine to the dough cycle, and allow your dough to knead. Mine takes about 90 minutes.

When the bread machine finishes its cycle, remove the dough to a lightly floured surface -- knead just a few times into a ball.

Allow the dough to rest, covered for 10-15 minutes.

Then, shape the dough into 12-14 round balls. Lucy has some fun directions about making cloverleaf rolls, if you're interested. I found it easier to cut the dough into pieces rather than rip it ;-)

Place the rolls into a greased pan -- I used a round 9-inch pan, Lucy recommends an 8x8 dish.

Cover, and allow rolls to rise for about 30 minutes to an hour until they are double in size. Mine rose rather quickly in my warm kitchen.

Bake at 375 for 12-18 minutes, until rolls are lightly browned and sound hallow when lightly tapped.

Cool for about 2 minutes in the pan, and then flip the rolls out -- this will help them to maintain their crunchiness.

Let sit for a few minutes before gobbling them up :)

Enjoy them in hot turkey sandwiches -- yum. Thanks, Lucy! Your rolls are delicious.

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  1. I'm so glad your turkey turned out well. Your rolls are gorgeous! Enjoy what's left of the weekend.

  2. Those look so good! I might have to steal another recipe from you!

  3. Oohh, these rolls look good. Your Thanksgiving sounds like ours. We stayed put and I did a turkey and all the fixings for the first time too....and I'm pretty happy to say that it turned out perfect. Next time I'll have to add these rolls to the menu.

  4. I'm glad you liked them. I made them yesterday too! For our not Thanksgiving dinner party :) I overcooked them though, so they were quite hard :(

    I also made them "clovers" yesterday and they did not work out so well. They were more like ... blobs.

  5. Can I tell you how much I love rolls? Or really bread of any sort? But the bread basket with the rolls is actually one of my favorite parts of going out to eat.

    These look delicious! Can't wait to hear about the rest of your T-day!

  6. Is there supposed to be yeast in the list of ingredients? I added 1 1/4 tsp. according to Lucy's recipe, but I the dough is in the bread maker so I cannot tell you how it's turned out yet!

  7. Hi SnoWhite! These looks so yummy... I'm going to make them to go with a pot of corn chowder and a steak dinner as well... Could I make a loaf of bread instead of rolls? Would it be a 1 lb. or 1 1/2 lb. loaf? Thanks!

  8. @ Christine~

    I'm thinking they would make a 1 lb. loaf ... but I haven't ever tried making it as bread. Let me know how they turn out :)

  9. SnoWhite! I tried making these last night... they were awful (but I didn't follow the recipe exactly...)! Not only did they not rise, but they had no flavor. I substituted sugar in the raw for regular and used WW pastry flour in place of the white flour. Learned my lesson, and I'm trying them again tonight! If they work, I will make a loaf on Sunday and will let you know. I should have gone to school with you!

  10. Okay, I tried these again today... they didn't rise! I just bought the yeast yesterday and made sure it was room temperature. I used white sugar and white flour where I didn't yesterday... I did put the dough in a bowl and covered it to rise, before tearing into rolls... could that be the reason? My house has smelled like wonderful homemade bread two days in a row, only it hasn't tasted wonderful! Help!!

  11. @ Christine... oh no! I'm sorry to hear they didn't work out. Did you make the dough in your bread machine, or knead it by hand?

    I've sometimes had trouble getting bread to rise if my kitchen is too cold. Try heating up the oven a bit, and then turning it off - sticking the rolls in the oven to rise.

  12. Christine... if you made them by hand, or in a mixer, try making the liquid lukewarm. If the yeast is not warm enough (a bread maker warms the dough as it kneads) that can inhibit rising.

  13. Hi SnoWhite! Thank you so much for your insight! I did use a breadmaker to make the dough, and the milk was cold both times I tried (the rolls were slightly less hockey puck-ish last night!). So, I'm buying more flour tomorrow and then trying again on Tuesday. Can I warm the milk before adding (this is added first, then I add everything else on top finishing with the yeast)? I am also going to try the oven trick... I opened the oven door slightly last night while waiting for them to rise and put the pan as close to the door without it falling in, but that didn't seem to help. I even put the pan on top of the car (engine was warm) and that didn't work!).
    Okay, I'll let you know what happens on Tuesday when I try again!
    You are very kind to read and reply to all these comments!! Have a great Monday!

  14. Christine,

    I'd try warming the milk (think "baby bottle" warm) first -- in hopes that this kick-starts the yeast for you.

    Kudos to you for persevering! I do hope they turn out this time!!

  15. Okay, I'm done trying these... I have no idea what I'm doing wrong! I warmed the milk like you said, put them on warm car hood in the warm garage to let them rise, but they still didn't do much, so I put them in a warmed (off) oven, and they rose a little, but then were hard as rocks and with no flavor. I'll go through your other bread recipes and see what else I can try. Thank you for your kind encouragement and for answering my many comments!

  16. @Christine --

    I'm so sorry to hear the rolls did not work out. I really don't know what to say.

    I might recommend these rolls --, if you're willing to give it another go.

    If these don't rise, my only thought is that the yeast is actually bad (it can happen, even if it's a new package).


  17. Oh my goodness... I'm inspired again! I will give these a try and let you know! Thanks so much for being so kind!!

  18. I made these last night for a pre-Thanksgiving turkey dinner and they are yummy! Just a nicely textured and good tasting dinner roll. I found these to be very easy to make and I adapted the directions to mix and knead in my KitchenAid. Thanks for another great recipe!

  19. Hi thank u for guiding me into these gorgeous rolls...just what I was looking for....visit my space when u get time

  20. how to please without a bread machine?
    I have to have my wife make these!~!


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