Monday, November 9, 2009

No-Nut Pesto

With a nut allergy, pesto was a much-heard about, but off-limits sauce :(

After seeing a few recipes that hinted pesto could be made without nuts, I decided I needed to give this pesto thing a try.  It has a really easy cast of characters....

And, goes together in a pinch. Plus, you can make it ahead of time and freeze it so as to enjoy pesto at any time :)

No-Nut Pesto - Adapted from Two Peas and Their Pod

1 C fresh basil leaves
2 garlic cloves, minced
1/8 C Parmesan cheese, grated
1 splash lemon juice
pepper and salt to taste
1/8 C olive oil

Wash/rinse those basil leaves, and strain dry.

Place the basil leaves, along with the olive oil, salt/pepper, garlic, lemon juice and Parmesan cheese into a blender or food processor.

Blend away!*

*Mine took some blending and some stirring. I think it would be easier in a food processor... but, alas, my blender will have to do.

Scoop out and store until ready to use.

Oh, yeah, taste some... and savor your first bite of pesto :)

This post is linked to - Slightly Indulgent Mondays, Ingredient Spotlight


  1. Jim and I have the exact same blender. woot! :P

  2. This looks good. Even though I don't have a nut allergy I've never made my own pesto because pine nuts are pretty expensive .. it always just seemed cheaper to buy it. Maybe I'll try it this way.

  3. Great idea! It looks really good.

  4. This looks wonderful. Could you use pumpkin or safflower seeds as a substitute for nuts?

  5. Looks delicious. I was thinking sunflower seeds would be great too, if you can eat them.

  6. Thank you thank you thank you! I am not technically allergic to pine nuts- but it has never seemed like it would be worth the risk. Now I have a recipe. thanks.

  7. Oh pesto, how I love thee! Thanks for linking up your recipe to Ingredient Spotlight.

  8. so funny, I just Googled pesto without nuts a couple of weeks ago, and I believe this is the recipe I followed!


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