Thursday, November 19, 2009


I don't know what I've gotten myself into, but this year, it's just me and Frog Prince for Thanksgiving and we're cooking up our first turkey!!!

At the Farmer's Market two weeks ago, we could place orders for free-range, organic turkeys... so I did :) Last year, my MIL made a fantastic turkey from a local farmer and it was one of the best birds I've ever enjoyed, so I jumped at the opportunity to try a local one this year.

As Thanksgiving dinner will just be the two of us, we're not making all the sides/etc., that I normally would eat at Thanksgiving -- it's just too much for us.

We're keeping our menu pretty simple:

Turkey (hopefully made in the crockpot)
Wild Rice Stuffing (family favorite) - recipe below
Sweet Potato Casserole (new)
and, Lucy's Dinner Rolls (new)

For dessert, we'll likely enjoy a Sweet Potato Pie (with gingersnap crust)! I'll be posting this recipe in the next couple of days... it's so easy and absolutely delicious. You'll never know it's not pumpkin.

Today, Life as Mom's Ultimate Recipe Swap asks us to share our favorite Thanksgiving recipe, and mine - hands down, no contest - is our family's Wild Rice Stuffing.

I love that I can use up our old bread and make a delicious, filling stuffing that complements the turkey very well. What's better -- you can make up most of the stuffing the day before and just bake the morning of Thanksgiving!

Minnesota Wild Rice Stuffing - Mom

2/3 C wild rice, uncooked*
1 large onion, chopped
2 C celery, cut into small pieces
1 1/2 loaves of bread, dried (and cubed)
Sage and lemon pepper seasoning, to taste
4oz mushrooms (either canned or fresh)

*You can also use Uncle Ben's Original Wild Rice in this stuffing for excellent flavor :)

1) Break bread into bit-sized pieces and set in a large bowl to "harden" overnight. Toss occasionally to harden the pieces on the bottom too.

2) Prepare rice as directed on the package. Set aside and allow rice to cool. This can be prepared a day in advance (or even 2)!

3) Dice celery and onions according to taste.

4) Put the celery and onion in a pan together, cover with water and simmer until tender.

5) When cooked, DO NOT DRAIN.
6) Refrigerate the veggies and their cooking water until cool. (Again, do this the day before!)

7) The morning of your dinner, mix dried bread in a large bowl with the cooled celery and onion mix.

8) Mix to a "mush" consistency. Your hands work really well for this.

9) Add rice and mix.

The stuffing should be the consistency of oatmeal. If it's too dry, you can add more water, or even chicken/veggie broth. If you are adding mushrooms, add them now.

10) Place in a greased 9x13 pan and bake at 350 until heated through - approximately 45 minutes.

11) Stir occasionally - the most frequently you stir the softer the stuffing!

Enjoy... as it's own meal. Seriously -- we could just eat this alone.

This post is also linked to:


  1. Yum, I am going to suggest trying this one for our family's Thanksgiving this year. Thanks :)

  2. I love stuffing and I've never had it with wild rice. I think I will try this. We are having our own little Christmas dinner, just the two of us, before we leave for the holidays so I think I will use this recipe!

  3. Also, I'm so excited that I'll get to make an appearance at your Thanksgiving dinner - in the form of dinner rolls.

  4. Your wild rice stuffing sounds so interesting. Perfect for the holidays.

  5. I have never had wild rice stuffing, but it sounds interesting and different.
    THANKS!!! for the recipe.


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