Friday, December 18, 2009

Chocolate Cherry Bark

This year, I decided to try a new kind of "bark". Most often, bark is filled with nuts... which is why I haven't often had it. But, this bark is NUT-FREE (provided the chocolates and cherries are not processed on equipment with nuts - always check those labels).

And, this bark is delicious.

Dark Chocolate.



This recipe is highly flexible ... you can use any amount of chocolate and cherries you wish! Thus, you can make a little, or a lot ;-)

Dark Chocolate Cherry Bark - Finding Joy in My Kitchen
{Print Recipe}

1 C dark chocolate chips
1/2 C dried cherries, chopped

Melt chocolate chips in the microwave.

While the chocolate is melting, chop up the cherries.

Pour the cherries into the melted chocolate.

And, then spread the chocolate onto a sheet of parchment paper. Spread it fairly thin... but not paper thin.

Allow the dark chocolate cherry bark to harden on the counter, or stick in the fridge to quicken the hardening.

When hardened, break into pieces.

Store in an airtight container in a cool place.

This recipe is also a wonderful and easy treat for your valentine!

This post is linked to:
Holiday Treat Week
Tuesdays at the Table
Grocery Cart Challenge
Ultimate Recipe Swap
Foodie Friday
This Week's Craving

Ingredient Spotlight


  1. OMGosh! Looks delicious! I think my favorite is still the peppermint in white chocolate... But what goes better than chocolate and cherries?? Not much!

  2. Yum! That looks so good. It would also be really tasty with cranberries. I was thinking - if you like the crunch that nuts give to a bark - what about adding broken up pieces of pretzels in with the cherries? That might be yummy.

  3. Oh this looks yummy, I love dark chocolate and cherry combo! Thanks for sharing with Holiday Treat week!

  4. My eyes just got wider and wider looking at this, hoping that they could teleport some here =D. This bark looks fantastic, and oh so delicious!

  5. well this is ridiculously easy! I'm going to try this to make peppermint bark---why have I been buying it?

  6. what a yummy nice snack.. Love it.

    Happy Holidays..

  7. YUM...I love dried cherries. What a great idea :)

    CHRISTmas Blessings!

  8. Allie and her Dad are dark chocolate FIENDS! This looks great!
    xoxo Pattie

  9. Thank you for the reminder that I want to make this :)


  10. Oh Yeah - I'll be making this one soon!


  11. Oh honey this is so yummy. I love chocolate and cherries. Easy recipe too which makes it a good one for a quick gift that you know everyone would just Love. Happy Valentine's day.

  12. This would have been perfect when I was searching for cherry recipes.... YUM!

    Thanks so much for linking to THIS WEEK'S CRAVINGS... we are already enjoying over 100 recipes, so make sure to stop back by and see all the different CHOCOLATE stuff! It's gonna be one SWEET week of all CHOCOLATE!

    And don't forget to come back next week (Monday) for "HIDDEN INGREDIENT"... "What can you hide in your recipes?"

  13. Made this this morning and added pistachios for crunch . Very easy and very yummy !

  14. What a great idea! And it's so simple too. :)


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.