Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Whole Wheat Crackers

After having some success making my own crackers, I am finding it hard to go back to store-bought varieties. Homemade crackers are super tasty, cheap and easy to make, and the best part... I know what's in them!!

Therefore, I tried my hand at making a basic whole wheat cracker.  These are just a plain cracker - but are excellent with cheese, those Super Bowl dips, or served with soup.  Plus, they make a great base cracker to add your own spices, as you desire.

Whole Wheat Crackers - Finding Joy in My Kitchen
{Print Recipe}

1 1/2 C whole wheat flour
1/2 C white wheat flour
1/2 tsp. salt
2 T butter, melted/softened
2/3 C water (or milk)
sea salt (for sprinkling)

In a large bowl, combine together the flours and salt.

Then, add the butter and milk (or water).

Mix until dough sticks together and is easy to handle -- you will need to knead the dough to make this happen.

It starts looking something like this...

and, should end up looking like this when you roll it out to 1/8th inch thickness.

Transfer the dough to a cookie sheet.  

Then, slice into crackers using a pizza cutter.

Lightly sprinkle with sea salt, and press into the dough.

Place the crackers in an oven heated to 350-400 and bake for 20-25 minutes until crispy.

Check your crackers after 15 minutes and watch carefully during the final cooking moments to avoid burning. Crackers can go from not done at all to burnt really easily :)

Next up for me ... I'm hoping to try homemade wheat thins, animal crackers, and graham crackers!

Have you tried making crackers? What kinds have you made, or would you love to make?


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  1. How creative!!!!!! Between the English Muffins and these, I am learning all sorts of new things!!

  2. Perfect, thanks! My nephew is spending the weekend with us so I will be making these for him.

  3. Love this! Can't wait to try my hand at them!

  4. Love that these crackers are so simple - and, as you say, you know exactly what's in them. I have a graham cracker recipe that I would like to try sometime.

  5. unreal. i love bread and do avoid it due to the ingredients found on the label. i CANNOT believe i can now make my own english muffins and crackers. do you realize how much you just ROCKED MY WORLD?! i'd love to know what variations of crackers you make. what sort of spices i could sprinkle on them? ect.

  6. how cool... cant wait to see the animal crackers... And I am trying to contact the oil people

  7. I'm not such a cracker fan but graham crackers!! I can't wait to see. These look delicious either way.

  8. You read my mind! I've been wanting to make crackers instead of buying them. I might try these out tonight!

  9. Did you grind your wheat? I just want to know so I can adjust accordingly. When I use freshly ground I use less because it absorbs more water than usual. Great easy recipe! Thank you.

  10. Oh, yum! Crackers are one of our last holdouts when it comes to buying processed foods...I just wasn't sure I'd be able to replicate the taste at home. But I'll be making these ASAP! I like that the recipe is so basic--it'll be nice to fiddle around with spices.

  11. We've made both animal crackers and a sort of salty simple cracker. Both were amazing - and didn't last long. I would love to bake all our own crackers, but then I would never come to work!

  12. I need to experiment and see if I can come up with a gluten free cracker recipe. I think snacking on crackers is one of the things my daughter misses most.

    I have given you a blog award: http://premeditatedleftovers.blogspot.com/2010/02/blog-award.html

  13. I've been wanting to try making my own crackers, but have been a little nervous about it - this looks so easy!

  14. I am definitely trying your recipe! I have made the seeded whole wheat crackers by Alton Brown and they are good too. He suggests using a pasta roller (if you have one) to roll out the dough and since I had one I never used I have been using that! Thanks for the recipe!

  15. I make whole wheat... similar recipe as yours and a white flour herb cracker.

    We are all out... need to make some more this weekend.

  16. Wow! I'm impressed! I can't believe you make your own crackers. NEAT!

    Happy Foodie Friday...


    Sheila :-)

  17. I keep meaning to try my hands at crackers. My mom used to make them for me when I was a kid, but I always thought they were too hard. Now I can see that they aren't. Thanks for the recipe!

  18. What a neat recipe. Thanks for sharing!!


  19. Timely... I just found out that our favorite whole wheat crackers are garbage and get their "wheaty" color from carmel!! I'll bookmark this and give it a try.

  20. Oh, I'm intrigued. I would have never thought...I'll try this recipe soon!!!

  21. I've never made crackers but those look really good. I wonder how you could add cheese to them? Hmm, something to try...

  22. Someone need to take away my laptop, so I can get off your blog long enough to make these recipes! This is so perfect for us, as I am trying to transition to making everything from scratch.


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.