Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Scramble Melt

I've got a line up of breakfast recipes this week.... not sure why that's the only meal I've been cooking up new over the last week or so, but it is!

This one is a quick, easy one.

I almost feel silly for posting it.

Except -- it's delicious.

So, I had to post it.

Scramble Melt - Finding Joy in My Kitchen
{Print Recipe}

1 thick slice of wheat oatmeal bread
1 egg, seasoned with salt and pepper
1 slice colby jack cheese

Toast up a slice of bread... I highly recommend wheat oatmeal bread.

While the bread is toasting, scramble up 1 egg with salt and pepper.

Place the egg on top of the toasted bread, top with cheese.

Then, broil or toast in a toaster oven until the cheese is melted.




  1. That melt looks incredibly tasty. So cheesy and warm... I'm going to have make this over the weekend! Thanks for sharing!

  2. simple but delicious! YUMMMM

  3. Ok I need to stop reading blogs before I eat breakfast. Oh wait, maybe I don't as this now looks like what I'm having for breakfast :) Looks so good, quick & easy for busy am's.

  4. Sometimes the simplist thing can spark a bunch of ideas. I just ate a blt with egg and thought about blogging it but my camera was out of batteries. This egg and cheese looks scrumptious!

  5. Yummmmmmo! I might have to make that for breakfast tomorrow!

  6. Yummy! Looks delicious. It's a great combo.

  7. What a GREAT!!! way to make breakfast and I LOVE!!! all the cheese.

  8. Oh my goodness ~ that melt looks SO good! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  9. My son saw this and made me make him one!


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.