Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Lemon Curd

In honor of our 3rd wedding anniversary, we celebrated by re-creating our wedding dinner -- including the wedding cake.

A dear friend of ours made our wedding cake, which was such a treat because I knew it would be safe for me to eat!

Inside that cake was a beautiful family tradition -- white cake with lemon filling.

Back then, we used a box of lemon pudding for the filling. But, over the last three years we've pretty much eliminated processed foods from our lives. So, this year, I needed to come up with another way to make our wedding cake!

I tried my hand at Lemon Curd for the filling...

And, it was amazing!

Nice and tart -- an excellent contrast to the sweet cake and yummy vanilla frosting.

Lemon Curd - Finding Joy in My Kitchen
{Print Recipe}

1 medium lemon
3 egg yolks
5 T sugar
2 T butter

Begin by zesting the entire lemon.

Then, combine the zest and the three egg yolks in a saucepan.

Add in the juice from 1 lemon, which should equate to 1/4 C lemon juice. And, then the 5 T sugar.

Mix well.

Heat the mixture over medium heat...stirring constantly. You don't want your eggs to cook, so be sure to heat gently and only until little bubbles form around the edges and the mixture thickens.

Remove from the heat and add your butter. Allow the heat from the curd to melt it.

Cover, and refrigerate until you're ready to use!!

Then, enjoy celebrating your anniversary!!



  1. Happy Anniversary! I didn't realize that lemon curd was so simple to make! I am going to have to make it now, thanks for the recipe!

  2. My parents are celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary on August 8th. I am making the cake and one entire tier will be white cake with lemon curd filling (and cream cheese frosting). YUM!! Your cake looks amazing :)


  3. Happy Anniversary Snowhite and Frog Prince! :)

    I LOVE that first picture of your wedding party. So fun. And I love that a friend of yours made the cake, that's so awesome of her - and it makes it so much more special.

    As for lemon curd - to me it's crack. I can't have the stuff in the house because I WILL eat it with a spoon. I like it as fresh berry tart filling. Crust, lemon curd, fresh blueberries and raspberries, sprinkle some melted white chocolate on top. Perfection.

  4. I love love Lemon Curd, Lovely cake.

  5. Happy anniversary! What lovely wedding photos. May God bless you for many more years!

  6. How fun! Ironically, I had the same idea to do that for my hubby for our 2nd Anniversary which is only 2 months away. I was going to attempt to decorate it as well. We'll see how it goes.

  7. Happy Anniversary! The cake looks fantastic.
    What a nice looking bride and groom!

  8. Beautiful wedding photos and cake. The one you made looks delicious. Happy Anniversary.

  9. Whoa for some reason I've always thought lemon curd was way more complicated than that. Why is it so expensive! Your homemade cake looks fantastic! happy anniversary, again!

  10. Happy Anniversary!!! Your wedding pictures are beautiful!
    The cake looks great... I have not made lemon curd yet, always a bit fearful of it... definitely gonna have to give it a try soon for sure. Thanks for sharing.

  11. I love the jumping wedding photo!! So cute and fun! What great memories! I also love your hairdo. I love that you recreated your wedding menu on your anniversary...a great tradition!

  12. Happy Anniversary! I love how you are creating and maintaining traditions in your life. They become the glue of your world!

  13. Happy Anniversary! Your cake sounds wonderful...I've never made lemon curd either...but it looks really easy!


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.