Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Zucchini Cookies

I finally did it.

This weekend, we made cookies ... with zucchini in them!!

I had a house full of taste testers when my grandparents came over for dinner, and I thought I'd give them a little dessert before dinner :)  I baked up just one tray of these cookies (and froze the rest of the dough) and they were a hit!

Hope you enjoy them too!

Zucchini Cookies - Finding Joy in My Kitchen
{Print Recipe}

1/2 C butter, melted
1 1/4 C sugar
1/4 C olive oil
2 C shredded zucchini
3 C whole wheat flour {I used white wheat}
1 egg
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 C chocolate chips
1/2 C dried fruit {cherries, blueberries, raisins}

Cream the melted butter, sugar and olive oil together in a mixing bowl.

Then, add in the egg and if desired, a few drops of vanilla extract.

Mix together the flour, salt and soda.  Add to the creamed mixture.

Stir in the zucchini until combined. Dough will be thick.

Then, add in the chocolate chips and any dried fruit of your choosing.

Stir well.

Scoop by the tablespoon onto a lightly greased cookie sheet.

Bake at 350 for 15ish minutes until cookies are lightly browned.


This post is linked to:
Tasty Tuesdays
Tempt My Tummy Tuesday
Slightly Indulgent Tuesdays
Ingredient Spotlight


  1. ooooohhhh!! I've had zucchini cake before, but never cookies. These look and sound delicious!
    Sorry to hear about all the spam.. that does tend to get a bit old!

  2. Thanks for the zuc-i recipe. I'm saving them for next year's garden! . . . . Glad you've had a good first week. Teaching is a trip, isn't it? ~Liz

  3. Did you tell anyone that there was zucchini in the cookies before they ate them? I bet they tasted great and look really good too! Would it be ok to eat a couple dozen since they're healthier? : )

  4. This is new to me and a must try! They look fantastic! Now I have to get some zucchini!

  5. Those look yummy!

    I was going to say that all your zucchini recipes almost make me want to start a garden. But really...they don't. They just make me want one of my nice neighbors to have an overproductive garden. Hopefully a generous neighbor. ;)

    As for the spam...I have found that there's spam no matter what. I've tried with/without word verification, with/without anonymous commenting, with/without moderation. I didn't switch both my blogs over to moderation until recently, and even though I still get spam, moderating has been very empowering to me. :) I just like that even though the spammers keep coming, at least the spam doesn't actually show up on my blog. I hope your combo of moderation and no anons works!!

  6. Those look yummy! I made whole wheat chocolate chip oatmeal cookies yesterday, I could have put zucchini in them too.....instead i made whole wheat zucchini bread!

  7. Those look wonderful! I have made similar cookies but these look way better.

  8. I have a recipe like this! I so want to try them! My kids would freak out over the green though. I'd have to throw some green sprinkles on them to cover it up!

  9. I have seen banana cookies and applesauce cookies, but never ones with zucchini. I'm sure it works similarly! Your cookies look great!

  10. Zucchini is so versatile. Those cookies are just another great use for that prolific vegetable!!!

  11. AWESOME!!! That'll help me use up my 13ish bags of frozen zucchini. ;)

  12. Check out the recipe I use for zucchini chocolate chip cookies: http://jsknowlton.blogspot.com/2010/02/monday-non-mayhem-preparation-for.html. But I might add some of the stuff you used too.

  13. This is so creative! And they look to die for :)

    ~Aubree Cherie

  14. I love this zucchini Rec. I shared it on my blog, hope that as ok; you can check it out here www.twoboysonegirlandacrazymom.com
    Love all your ideas, will come by more often :-)
    Happy Sunday
    Melanie a/k/a Crazy Mom


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