Friday, April 1, 2011

Friday Favorite Finds!

Each week, I share the yummy recipes I bookmarked all week long.
Hope you'll share your finds below too.

{Squash Blossom Babies}

{In Katrina's Kitchen}

{Baking Bites}


{The Domestic Engineer}

{Kayotic Kitchen}

{Eat at Home}

{Favorite Family Recipes}

{Morsels of Life}

{Saving Money and Living Life}

{Tasty Kitchen}

{Melissa's Cuisine}

Link up a post containing the recipes you've found and bookmarked this week. Please do not link up individual recipes-- save those for other blog carnivals. Also, don't forget to link back to our Friday Favorite post.



  1. I'm so glad you stopped by and that you liked the Samoas! :) Thanks for the Friday Favorite Feature!!

  2. We both have Samoa recipes featured this week. Off to check out some of the links.
    Thanks for hosting.

  3. Yay! So happy to be linked up here today!!!


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.