Friday, August 5, 2011

Friday Favorite Finds

Happy Friday!  If you are just stopping by today, welcome.  Each Friday provides an opportunity for us to share the yummy recipes we bookmarked during the week.  We had 19 amazing lists linked last week, and I found new recipes to Pin by browsing!  Thanks to all of you who linked up & shared your recipe finds with us.    

Here are the recipes that made my “to-try” list:
{Note: I'm using Pinterest for the photos/links - click on "source" to see the recipe}


Now, let's see what recipes you added to your list this week.  Please link up to a post containing your list of recipes to try -- do not link up individual recipes please, save those for other linkys.  Be sure to leave a link back here to Finding Joy in My Kitchen.


  1. They all look so yummy, especially those chocolate covered cherries and the easy Italian zucchini.

  2. Those chocolate covered cherries look amazing!!

    My Flash-Back-Friday hop is up again, hope you can link up again this week!
    Flash Back Friday #11

  3. Thanks for hosting again! The chocolate covered cherries and hummus look great!

  4. The chocolate covered cherries look so pretty!

  5. Added my link to yours and posted you on my blog, do you have a button for your Friday Food finds. The only ones I see our the title ones. Would love a button to post on my blog. Thanks Love your site, I spend a lot of time here.

  6. Thanks for hosting SnoWhite!! Everything always looks so delicious.

  7. Even though I don't linkup, I love coming here to see what great finds you'll have :) Thanks so much!

  8. That grilled zucchini looks soooo good, and those chocolate covered cherries... my mouth is watering. Thanks for hosting such a great linky party.

  9. Doh - I totally forgot to link up this afternoon! I'm a dork. :o)

    Thanks for hosting as always!

  10. I don't know which link to click first! Everything looks delicious.

  11. Thanks for hosting :)

    My MIL would love those chocolate-covered cherries. I usually buy her a box of Queen Anne's for her birthday every year.


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.