Friday, October 28, 2011

{31 Days} & Friday Favorite Finds #82

This week, my Friday Favorite Finds from your blogs focus on DIY condiments and spices.  While Frog Prince and I have tried our hands at homemade cherry BBQ sauce, that’s about the only DIY condiment we’ve tried. 

This is an area I’d love to grow in as a cook, so all these wonderful bloggers who are way ahead of me have a wealth of yummy recipes to offer in this area.  These images are from Pinterest – so click on the image (or the link under the image) to go to the recipes. 

DIY Sweet Pickle Relish

Source: via FindingJoyInMyKitchen on Pinterest

DIY Ketchup


Source: via FindingJoyInMyKitchen on Pinterest

DIY Salad Dressings – including Thousand Island

Source: via FindingJoyInMyKitchen on Pinterest

DIY Salad Dressings, Syrups, Condiments & Spreads

Source: via FindingJoyInMyKitchen on Pinterest

DIY Buttermilk Ranch Dressing

Source: via FindingJoyInMyKitchen on Pinterest

DIY Dill Pickle Relish

Source: via FindingJoyInMyKitchen on Pinterest

If you were featured, feel free to grab the button below!

Can’t wait to see your finds from this week – link up your post of the recipes you found this week.  Please link up to a post containing your list of recipes to try -- do not link up individual recipes please, save those for other linkys.  Be sure to leave a link back here to Finding Joy in My Kitchen.


  1. mmmm...these look great! I might have to try that DIY Ketchup!

  2. I've been sick all week, but I made it! Didn't want to miss my favorite linky party. :) I've tried a few DIY condiments, mainly spice mixes, and really like how easy they are to make. Laura at Heavenly Homemakers has some good ones, and I see she made your list. Off to catch up on everyone's list, have a great weekend!

  3. We make most of our own condiments these days- and to be honest most of them come from Heavenly Homemaker. Her ranch is amazing. Everyone who comes to visit LOVES it. And easier than simplebites. Just a heads up.

  4. How funny that you chose a theme this week. So did I-things made with tortillas. I posted a lot of recipes this summer for homemade barbecue sauces, salad dressings, and flavored butters. You might want to come by and check them out. Thanks so much for hosting this every week.

  5. Sorry, guess I copied a link to here instead of my blog. I have relinked, but hope you can delete the first one. Thanks.

  6. I could not imagine making my own ketchup. I so need to check that out though! Thanks!

  7. I like your theme..they all look good!

  8. Making condiments from scratch is fun! I'll have to give the ketchup a try. :)

  9. We go through ketchup like no one's business around here! I love DIY recipes!!

    Thanks for hosting!


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.