Friday, April 27, 2012

Friday Favorite Finds #106

So glad you stopped by today!  Please join us as we share our favorite recipe finds from the week. 

Mine include a few sweet treats:
{All images are from the original recipe source, and linked through Pinterest}


And, a yummy summer dinner:

As a reminder, if you like these recipes, either re-pin my original pin, or pin the source of the recipe NOT my blog!  The talented chefs that came up with these recipes deserve the credit and traffic, so, please, please pin the source!

What did you find this week? 

Please link up to a post containing your list of recipes to try -- do not link up individual recipes please, your links will be deleted.  Links that do not follow the guidelines will be deleted.  Be sure to leave a link back here to Finding Joy in My Kitchen.


  1. Great finds this week! That pasta dish looks SO good!

  2. Your features look great! Thanks for hosting and have a fun week end.
    Miz Helen

  3. Thanks for hosting again - the dark chocolate bread looks so tasty!

  4. Thank you for hosting, as always :)


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.