Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday Favorite Finds #125–Back to School Edition!

Welcome to our special edition of Friday Favorite Finds!  If you have been joining us this week, you’ll know we’ve been talking Grab & Go Breakfasts, Super Lunch-Box Lunches and Wholesome After-School Snacks to help us kick off the school year! 


Today, our Friday Favorites segment takes on a special theme – you are welcome to link up any recipe you love to make during the school year! 

I am hoping this will turn out to be a great resource of tried & true recipes that help make it possible to feed your family wholesome meals during the school year. 

You’ve seen most of my finds this week through our Back-To-School series, so I am going to share with you some great ideas from other bloggers:

1. Applesauce Fruit Blends – From Amy @ Family Feedbag
This is a superb idea!  Amy takes applesauce & blends it with fruits – like blueberry or strawberry.  A super easy way to add fruit to your family’s breakfast, lunch or snack. 


2. 5 Back to School BreakfastsLaura @ Real Mom Kitchen
My friend Laura is sharing 5 easy back-to-school breakfast ideas that all include a good source of protein to start off the day. 


3. 39 Meals to Make in 30-Minutes or Less – From Mel @ Mel’s Kitchen Café 
Mel is brilliant.  In fact, I should have just asked her to guest post for my “dinner in minutes” segment tomorrow.  These ideas look so delicious and they are all ready in less than 30 minutes.  I don’t know about you, but I can definitely use that!


4. The ABCs of Lunch Boxes – From Shaina @ Food for My Family
This is an adorable idea from Shaina, who organized lunch-box eats alphabetically for you to peruse!  Great ideas here, including some yummy recipe links. 


5. Roasted ChickpeasFrom Marly @ Namely Marly
This is a great after school snack idea!  Marley uses Southwest Chipotle seasoning on these, but that got me thinking about all the other good seasoning spices you could use to create a delicious (& protein-packed) after school munchie. 


6. Back-To-School Lunches for Picky Eaters – From Katie @ Good Life Eats
Katie offers great suggestions for packing a balanced lunch and getting kids involved in the lunch making process.  Since we don’t pack kiddo lunches yet, this resource is one I’ve pinned for future reference! 


7. Make-Ahead School Lunches – From Jessica @ Life as Mom
Not only does Jessica share her tips for making lunches ahead of time (to save those oh so precious weekday minutes), but she has a whole crew of people who have shared their lunch ideas too through the Ultimate Recipe Swap.  Stop by – great ideas!


Now it’s your turn!

Just for today only, link up a list of your finds, OR share a link to your favorite recipes that help you feed your family during the school year.  These can be breakfast favorites, lunch box ideas, easy weeknight dinner recipes and fun snacks!  Just be sure to leave a link back here so others can join the party. 

Be sure to stop by tomorrow as well, we’re talking quick weeknight dinners!


  1. Sno White, these all are just great. I will be spending some time at my computer checking all those links out. I love the applesauce fruit blend idea, and I've got to find out if I like chickpeas. Thanks for hosting. Have a great week.

    1. Thanks, Loy! I'm so glad you faithfully link up each week :)

      I saw a recipe for honey roasted chick (or garbanzo) beans... that also looked great! I have found that I like the texture of the beans when baked/roasted but not otherwise.

  2. Wow - lots of great back to school ideas! Thanks for hosting every week. :)


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.