Monday, November 12, 2012

Thanksgiving Week: Breads

This week, we’re talking prepping for Thanksgiving!  Even if you’re not hosting, perhaps you’d like to serve up a small Thanksgiving meal for your family between now and Christmas; we will end up doing that this year, simply because I want leftovers! 

You won’t want to miss the rest of the week either:

Monday – Best Breads for Thanksgiving
Tuesday – Best Side Dishes for Thanksgiving
Wednesday – Best Turkey Recipes
Thursday – Best Dessert Recipes

Next week, we’ll talk good breakfasts for Thanksgiving day (with minimal prep) & creative recipes for leftovers! 

Today, I’ll highlight some of the best breads for Thanksgiving dinners, some that also double for great leftover turkey sandwiches. 

Homemade Crescent Rolls
{A family favorite that you can feel good about, from Finding Joy in My Kitchen}

Kim’s Whole Wheat Rolls
{The best part about these pull-apart rolls….make the dough up to 5 days in advance!
These also make wonderful sandwich rolls for leftovers.}

Grandma’s Cinnamon Sugar Bread
{This is a family tradition at every holiday meal – my grandmother’s bread
Sweet, light, and delicious!}

Gluten-Free Sweet Potato Corn Bread
{This is a delightful cornbread, yummy with dinner, but great with honey & butter}

Pumpkin Dark Chocolate Cranberry Bread
{This bread is healthy enough for breakfast,
but tasty enough for an appetizer or dessert!}

Other recipes I recommend for breads:

If you have a recipe you’d like to share for great breads – leave the link in the comments! 


  1. Thanks for sharing the yummy-looking recipes! I'm always on the lookout for good bread recipes.

  2. The worst part about rarely having a holiday at home is that there are no leftovers!! Your grandmother's bread looks awesome. I don't think I've baked bread since I got pregnant in July and I'm starting to miss it!

  3. That cinnamon sugar bread looks amazing!

  4. Thank you so much for sharing a gluten free bread! I love to bake and my family is new to gluten free. I had almost given up at even looking at food blogs, but you reminded me there's still a lot out there for me. That cornbread might be appearing at our table soon!


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.