Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday Favorite Finds #146

Hope you’ve all had a great week!  I’m thankful for Friday and weekends, but nevertheless, the week has been good. 

Here are my finds this week (All images are from the original recipe source, and linked through Pinterest; please pin the source!), most come from our Chocolate Ingredient Spotlight.

Sweet Potato Chocolate Cherry Bread – Well, hello.  Where have you been all my life?  Seriously.  All my favorite foods in one bread!!  Sweet potato, chocolate, cherry and oats.  This bread looks fantastic and it comes from one of our regulars here at Friday Favorite Finds!  Thanks, CJ!


Healthy Chocolate Dip – Chickpea chocolate dip?  Sounds interesting enough for me to give it a try.  Looks delicious. 


Red(less) Velvet Cake – Earlier this week on Facebook I asked what the hype is over red velvet cake.  The idea sounded yummy to me, so I was thrilled to see Laura’s recipe for velvet cake sans the red dye. 


Chocolate Raspberry Snack Bars – Delicious looking, with a little added crunch from brown rice krispies. 


Secret Ingredient Chocolate Banana Bread  - You’ll have to check out the recipe to see the secret ingredient, but I’ll give you a hint – it’s green, and not a green banana!


If you were featured, feel free to grab the image below!

What did you find this week?

Please link up to a post containing your list of recipes to try -- do not link up individual recipes, or recipes that you’ve already made, your links will be deleted.   Be sure to leave a link back here to Finding Joy in My Kitchen.


  1. Hope you and Frog Prince are having a great Valentine weekend. Thanks for hosting!
    Miz Helen

  2. This is my first time to link up with Friday Favorite Finds! Thank you for hosting! :)
    ~Joy @ Yesterfood

  3. Thanks for featuring my Sweet Potato Chocolate Cherry Bread! It's an honor to be featured among these tasty eats. :)


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.