Friday, March 15, 2013

Friday Favorite Finds #150

Is it just me, or do Friday’s come more quickly the older you get?  This week just flew by!  Today I am at a conference all about teaching ecology effectively to students, and I have the pleasure of presenting with a dear colleague.  That means I’ll have to save my browsing of your delicious finds until later this weekend. 

Here’s what I’m sharing today:

Copy-Cat Olive Garden Alfredo – I haven’t been out to eat in years, but in an earlier life I really enjoyed Olive Garden’s Alfredo.  Now, I know it doesn’t even come close to authentic Alfredo, but it was tasty.  It would be fun to see how this recipe compares to what I remember from the OG.  


Guinness Beef Stew - We have a few Irish Beef recipes that we really enjoy, but this stew looks incredible. It would be a fun treat for St. Patrick's Day on Sunday.


DIY Shamrock Shake - My friend Liz shared this recipe, along with her story about how making a shamrock shake does not impart the luck of the Irish to the maker. I think these look fantastic.


5-Minute Mint Chocolate Chip Dip - what a fun idea! Although I wouldn't dye it green with food coloring, and would serve it with homemade cookies, it looks perfect for a party.


Broccoli Pesto Pasta - Just because it's green, and healthier than the other recipe finds today, I have to say I'm in love with this idea. We eat tons of broccoli and this looks like a fun way to change things up.


All images are from the original recipe source, and linked through Pinterest;
please pin the source!

If you were featured, feel free to grab the image below!

What did you find this week?

Please link up to a post containing your list of recipes to try -- do not link up individual recipes, or recipes that you’ve already made, your links will be deleted.   Be sure to leave a link back here to Finding Joy in My Kitchen.


  1. I found that copycat alfredo sauce recipe on your pinterest a couple of weeks ago and made it for our family recently. It was very easy and actually did taste similar to Olive Garden's version. The pesto dish looks amazing too!

  2. Happy St. Patrick's Day... have a great weekend.

  3. Hope you'al have a great St. Patrick's Day weekend and thanks for hosting!
    Miz Helen

  4. Thanks for the link! I'll have to give that broccoli pesto a try since I found out last year that I'm allergic to fresh basil...I'm in need of some creative pesto recipes!

  5. I pinned the cookie dip too, and the stew also looks good. Thanks for hosting! :)


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.