Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

“He is not here; he is risen, just as he said!”
Matthew 28:6

Easter represents hope, joy and thankfulness all wrapped up into one day.  The holiday follows Passover, and the Bible is clear that on Easter weekend, Jesus became our Passover Lamb.  He took on our sin, carried our cross to Calvary, and was crucified.  But the story doesn’t end there!

Christ rose from the grave. 

And, when He did, He overcame sin and death – for us. 

Why?  Because God loves us that much. 

As we celebrate today, I wanted to share an old hymn with you – the words capture Easter in light of Passover quite beautifully. 

Christ our Redeemer, died on the cross,
Died for the sinner, paid all his due;
Sprinkle your soul with the blood of the Lamb,
And I will pass over you.

When I see the blood, of my Holy One,
My wrath will be quenched, my judgment be through.
When I see the blood, of my only Son,
Yes, I will pass over you.

Chiefest of sinners, Jesus can save.
All He has promised, surely He’ll do.
Wash in the fountain where sinners can bathe.
And, I will pass over you.

Judgment is coming, all will be there.
Each one receiving justly his due.
Hide in the saving, sin-cleansing blood,
And, I’ll pass over you. 

O great compassion!  O boundless love!
Now crowned with power, Jesus is true.
Find peace and shelter, under his blood,
And I’ll pass over you.

When I see the blood, of my Holy One,
My wrath will be quenched, my judgment be through.
When I see the blood, of my only Son,
Yes, I will pass over you.

Happy Easter, dear readers.  Praying the day is filled with joy, peace and hope. 

{I’ll be back next week with a bunch of leftover ham recipes!}


  1. Rejoicing with you. Happy Easter! He is risen indeed!

  2. Amen and Amen! Celebrating with you friend.

  3. What a beautiful hymn, thanks for sharing it! Easter is my favorite holiday, but I will admit I become undone every year. It's hard to wrap my fallible human mind around the love that God has that He would have had this plan in place since the beginning of creation, and that Jesus humbly obeyed His Father in going to the cross for ME. And that I am now saved from God's wrath and my eternal future is secure... I could go on and on. He is risen, indeed!

  4. Quite often it seems that the real meaning of Holidays is lost in the commercialism. I too loved the words of that hymn you shared. Thank you for the reminder. Happy Easter to you too.


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