Friday, April 26, 2013

Friday Favorite Finds #156

Spring might finally be here… we had 4 more inches of snow on Monday, but since then the sun has been shining & temps are rising!  I have a whole bunch of delicious eats to share with you today --

{Note: All images are from the original blogger; please pin the source!}

Homemade Twix Bars – My blogging friend Lara made these amazing looking dessert bars with chocolate & caramel.  I can’t wait to try these out for Bible study in the coming weeks!  Get the recipe herePin the recipe here. 

Black Bean Veggie Wraps – After having dessert first (see bars above), these wraps look like an incredible way to enjoy lunch.  I found them on the Sweet Happy Life blog, and I am so glad that I did.  They are stuffed with zucchini, butternut squash and black beans… yum!  Get the recipe herePin the recipe here. 

Banana Split Bars – I love the idea of a banana split, but, I have allergies to raw bananas.  Anyone else?  Darn oral allergy syndrome.  But, these bars overcome that limitation because the bananas are cooked into a delicious bar and have all the goodness of a banana split, including chocolate & cherries (although, I’ll have to leave out the nuts)!  Get the recipe herePin the recipe here.

Banana Split Bars |

Homemade Frozen Pizza.  The bloggers at Love and Olive Oil posted a brilliant idea – make your own frozen pizza.  I love this because we all know there are “those nights” where a frozen pizza would come in handy.  I’ll feel much better about tossing one of these homemade pizzas into the oven!  Get the recipe here.  Pin the recipe here

Homemade Frozen Pizza

If you were featured, feel free to grab the button below!

What did you find this week?

Please link up to a post containing your list of recipes to try -- do not link up individual recipes, or recipes that you’ve already made, your links will be deleted.   Be sure to leave a link back here to Finding Joy in My Kitchen.


  1. Banana split bars! Those look awesome!

  2. Yay! I hope you enjoy the Twix Bars!

  3. home made frozen pizzas sound like a great idea! Glad to hear you're finally seeing some spring weather. :)

  4. I found this recipe online for barbecue "baked" banana splits and thought of you, Snowhite, and this Friday Favorite Finds post. Maybe it's another way for you to avoid the raw banana, but enjoy the banana split! And, it being grilling season and all...(:

    1. Thanks for thinking of me with this recipe! You are right, baked banana splits on the grill sound fantastic.


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.