Friday, July 19, 2013

Friday Favorite Finds #168

Happy Friday, friends!  I hope your week has been good and that you are looking forward to a lovely weekend.  I’ve got a few perfect for summer finds this week that I am excited to share with you! 

{Note: All images are from the original blogger; please pin the source!}

Cheesy Green Bean BakeKristie from Simply Savvy Recipes brought this delicious breakfast/dinner quiche to the Ingredient Spotlight this week – wow!!  Looks amazing, doesn’t it? 

Cheesy Green Bean Bake

Carrot, Apple, Zucchini BreadThis bread from Mom on Time Out looks like a fantastic way to jazz up zucchini bread.  I’ll leave out the walnuts, but otherwise, I’ll take two slices, please!

Carrot Zucchini Apple Bread | Delicious AND healthy! #zucchini #bread #recipe

Grilled Tomato Lollipop ToastWhite on Rice Couple has made a brilliant recipe with bread, grilled cherry tomatoes and ricotta cheese.  Double yum.  I’m a sucker for grilled and/or roasted tomatoes, so these are calling my name. 

Grilled Tomato Skewers "Lollipops" Toasts on

Feel free to follow me on Pinterest to see more of my finds from this week!

If you were featured, feel free to grab the button below!

What did you find this week?

Please link up to a post containing your list of recipes to try -- do not link up individual recipes, or recipes that you’ve already made, your links will be deleted.   Be sure to leave a link back here to Finding Joy in My Kitchen.


  1. Oops - got to apologize! I linked up wrong last week and I'm very sorry. :-( Trying to do better this week. Question for you - is it okay to link up my weekly blog link-up where there are other recipes featured?

  2. Thanks for the Green Bean Ingredient Spotlight and for featuring my Recipe :-) I just love your blog and your recipes :-) Aren't fresh veges from the garden the best :-)

  3. Pinned the green bean bake and the zucchini bread. Yum!!


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.