Monday, July 8, 2013

How to Eat Well {& Cheap} on Vacation

Frog Prince and I just returned from a 6 day vacation, and it was wonderful.  I had a little guessing game over on my Facebook Page to see who could figure out where we went! 

In case you missed it:

Clue #1 – {taken at Seney National Wildlife Refuge, Seney, Michigan}

Clue #2 – {taken at Whitefish Point, Lake Superior; Michigan}

Clue #3 – {taken at Tahquamenon Falls, near Paradise, Michigan}

Clue #4  - {taken at Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, near Munising, Michigan}

I loved hearing your guesses – everything from Alaska & Washington to Louisiana & California!  Of course, a few of you narrowed it down to the Great Lakes … and you were right. 

The trip to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (the “U.P.”) was fantastic!  The weather was perfect and the company was even better. 

We met up with 3 of our closest couple friends from grad school.  We’ve grown a bit since then, and have started our “big people jobs”, but we picked up just like it was yesterday. 

Being away for 6 days can become quite expensive:

  • Breakfast for 6 days, at a minimum of $3 per person = $18
  • Lunch for 6 days, at a minimum of $5 per person = $30
  • Dinner for 6 days, at a minimum of $10 per person = $60
  • Desserts/snacks/drinks for 6 days, at a minimum of $5 per person = $30
  • Total: $138 per person

This would have cost Frog Prince and I $276.00 at a minimum for a 6 day vacation. 


But, we did it for $25 per person! 

And I’m going to tell you how. 

Join us for the “How to Eat Well {& Cheap} on Vacation” Series!


In this 5-part series, we’ll cover:

Part 1 – Planning Ahead
Part 2 – Meals that Work Well on the Road
Part 3 – Buying Here vs. Buying There
Part 4 – Make & Bake Ahead
Part 5 – Stress Free Cooking (so you can enjoy vacation!)

What are your tips for eating well {& cheap} on vacation?  I’d love to hear what you’ve learned from experience; leave a comment below, or post your insights on my Facebook page


  1. Ahhhhh. I just returned from an 8 day vacation. This would have been helpful 2 weeks ago lol. Even with a full-size kitchen, we sill ate out 99% of the meals :-(.

    1. Sorry! Hopefully this series will help you in the future.

  2. I determine how many meals we will be preparing on vacation.
    Then, I plan a menu for each meal. Next, we buy the food items two weeks or a month before we go. This prevents us for going over our grocery budget. I also plan for snack foods for the road trip and during vacation. A majority of our meals and snacks are homemade.

    1. Great approach! Love that you plan way ahead so you don't go over your grocery budget by buying on sale. Awesome!!

  3. I am excited to read your food on vacation series. You always have such fantastic ideas!

    1. Thanks for your sweet comment. I hope you'll find something useful.

  4. What a great topic! I am pretty good at planning meals while on vacation but it is so hard to plan what to eat on the road. Looking forward to this series!


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.