Saturday, January 16, 2010

Broiled Grapefruit

I love grapefruit.  Fresh from the fridge, just plain as day. A great way to start my morning.

But, sometimes I like a little switch-up on my grapefruit.

Simply slice that grapefruit open... and sprinkle with nothing more than a little cinnamon.  If you'd like, you can add a sprinkle of sugar too -- although, I prefer it without.

Place under a broiler and broil for about 5 minutes, until the sugars in the fruit begin to crystalize a bit (that is, the grapefruit gets warm and smells delcious).

Then, enjoy this yummy grapefruit for breakfast, a snack, or for dessert.

If you make or enjoy eating grapefruit frequently... I recommend to you the grapefruit spoon. Your life (at least the grapefruit eating part of your life) will never be the same.

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  1. Now this is a brilliant idea! I've never thought of doing this and I have a big bag of grapefruit on my counter. Thanks!

    Mystery Lovers’ Kitchen
    Mystery Writing is Murder

  2. I love grapefruit and have been known to eat 12 in a week, but I've never eaten them broiled. I can't wait to try it! You don't have to use any sugar?

  3. Sometimes simple is best. I haven't done this in years. I'll have to remedy that this weekend. I loved your photos.

  4. I love grapefruit! I don't know what I'd do without my grapefruit spoons...there's just no good way to eat it without them!

  5. Oh my this sounds so yummy!! I love grapefruit and enjoy eating them for breakfast often. I've never had it broiled though! Definitely need to try this!

  6. What great description... I can smell it from here

  7. I can't remember the last time I had grapefruit. These look mouthwatering! On my list next week for sure. :)

  8. I can't get enough of grapefruit this time of the year! I just bought two five-pound bags yesterday. I'm going to have to try this!


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