Monday, November 1, 2010

From the Archives: #1

While the blog Finding Joy in My Kitchen started in December of 2008, my journey in cooking began more than 5 years ago, when I moved 600+ miles away from my family.

Frog Prince and I on the day we met!  Photo Scavenger hunt!

On my own for the first time, living in a house with a "real kitchen" rather than just a dorm kitchenette, and getting to know this crazy Frog Prince guy, I ventured into the cooking world.  While I'd grown up in the kitchen with my mom and grandmas... now, I was really on my own!

What began as a fun opportunity to cook for Frog Prince slowly developed into a passion -- finding delight and joy in preparing healthy foods and serving healthy foods to those I love.

When I tried something new those first years away from home, I'd be so excited about it that I couldn't wait to tell my mom... she politely said, "great", but never tried a one.

That was because she wanted to see a picture of the recipes before she would try them.

After Frog Prince and I got married and settled in to our own style of cooking in our kitchen in our tiny apartment kitchen, we set out to learn how to cook from scratch.  We wanted to learn how to make bread, crackers, and wholesome meals with ingredients we could pronounce.  

Each recipe we've tried is posted here at Finding Joy in My Kitchen... mainly so that my mom would give the recipes a go in her own kitchen :)

Now, nearly 700 recipes later, this blog has blossomed into much more than I ever imagined.  It warms my heart to know that God is moving through this blog -- and encouraging you also in your kitchen. I love hearing about the recipes you try -- and how you adapt them to your family's tastes and preferences.  It brings me great joy to know you too are finding joy in your kitchen.

It's now time to dig back in the archives and see what Frog Prince and I were cooking when we first started out on this cooking journey.

This week, the recipe from the archives is Italian Grilled Chicken.

Originally posted in December of 2008, this was one of the first recipes to appear on Finding Joy in My Kitchen.  To this day we love this chicken recipe!  At the time we made it, it was the first time we tried a marinade on a chicken that didn't come from a bottle.


  1. What a fun idea! I love reading about your "early days" :) I can't wait to see what else you post!

  2. I started perusing your blog after I discovered I was on you "favorite blogs" list... not sure if I've ever mentioned it on my blog, but I went to Michigan State (and met my husband there) as well! Go Green!


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.