Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday Favorites

Lots of good, hearty recipes this week!  
Thanks for inspiring me in the kitchen, Ladies!

{Coping with Frugality}

{Loving My Domestic Life}

{Modern Gal}

{Good and Cheap Eats}

Maple Oatmeal Pie
{A Cozy Kitchen}

{Cookin' with Cat}

{Brown Eyed Baked}

{Me and My Pink Mixer}

{Stephanie Cooks}

{The Teacher Cooks}

{Mommy? I'm Hungry!}

{Faith and Family}

{How Sweet It Is}

{Brown Eyed Baker}

{Megan's Cookin'}

I'm bouncing around the possibility of 
Friday Favorites becoming a blog carnival.  
You would have a chance to link up your favorites from the week too.  

I don't want to overload the Friday with carnivals....
but, I love having this archive of recipes to try 
when it comes time to plan meals for the week. 

Would any of you be interested in this?   



  1. Thanks so much AGAIN for the link love. ;)

    That Chicken Marsala sounds wonderful too!

  2. OOH! I have to check some of these out! Thanks!

  3. i think a link up would be a great idea! but then i just realized that i would be linking up a lot of your recipes since you have so many great ones that i love!!! LOL

    i love the friday favorites!

  4. SnoWhite, I always look forward to your Friday Favorites! I think that a carnival of FF would be so much fun! Would probably give me the excuse of keeping track of all my yummy discoveries throughout the week. :-)

    Happy, Happy Friday!
    ~avril :-)

  5. That would be fun ... even if you just did it on the first Friday of the month or something ...

  6. Oh, this is so awesome! I love new recipe posts, but a post with multiple recipe links and recipe blogs I've never heard of? Heaven.

  7. Great Idea for a Friday Hop. I love coming here and finding new recipes and new friends. I will watch for opening day.

  8. I would be interested! I also do a "weekly wanderings" post with some of the things I'm reading. I would love to add a special food section to it and be able to link it up. Great idea!

  9. I would love to join in on a Friday hop! Always a great way to find new blogs and yummy recipes!


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.