Saturday, June 4, 2011

Spring: Our Garden

As spring arrives and we're beginning to do more work on our house, I want to document our journey using Shutterfly photo books!  We've used these before, creating a photo book as a recap of each year we've spent together, and I would love to start documenting our house and the seasonal changes we make too using these great books.  Maybe, we'll create some photo gifts for our families highlighting the changes we have made to our home thanking them for all their help and support.   

One of the things Frog Prince and I were most excited about in our new home was the chance to have a garden.  Last year, we inherited a garden with our home based on what the prior owners planted.  This year, we had free reign of our large raised garden beds!

This year, we planted: zucchini, cucumbers, eggplant, basil, peas, beans, tomatoes, bell peppers, and green onions.

We tried planting merigolds next to the pepper plants to keep the deer away. So far... so good.

Once these veggies are ready, we'd love to have some folks over for a housewarming party {and to share in some goodies made from the zucchini!}.  Some of these stationary cards would be a great way to showcase our house and invite people over for a summer BBQ!

Ah... spring and summer - we can't wait to enjoy you!!

Do you garden?  If so - what's on your "must-have" list of fruits/veggies?

Have a blog?  Sign up for a chance at a free photo book from Shutterfly!


  1. I wish I had a garden. But it's in the plans at some point this spring/summer. Here in Oregon, there hasn't been much of a chance to plant because of the rain. My tomato and bean plants are still in my house and growing out of their little pots. :( Maybe I'll just start with those two veggies and see where it goes. It's getting later and later to start planting I think.

  2. I would love to start a garden some day! First on my list would be salsa ingredients (tomatoes, peppers) and some herbs. With my onion/garlic allergy I have to make my own salsa. Ingredients for a quart of tomatillo salsa were P-R-I-C-E-Y!!. I would have to try strawberries, too. :) Enjoy your upcoming harvest.

  3. We definitely garden (we have 18 raised beds!), and our must-haves are zucchini and peas. SO tasty! Of course, there are many other things we plant as well. I'm glad you're enjoying your garden!

  4. Our garden has been so much fun! I kept telling Bruce we should buy plants, but he insisted on seeds - so we're a little bit behind some other people. But it's still fun!

  5. I'm so glad you're enjoying your new garden! We decided since we have so many house projects going on this summer that our garden would probably get neglected, so we've opted to do Farmers' Market shopping this year and hope to have another garden next year. Raised beds really are the way to go though, so congrats on that! No pulling weeds for you :)

  6. I wish I had a garden. Alas, not gonna happen in my current apartment. Yours looks wonderful :D

  7. Looks good so far! Link this up to my Garden Tuesday post on...well, Tuesday!

  8. We planted a ton of marigolds in our veggie garden this year. We planted similar stuff. A couple additions would be celery and broccoli.

  9. Hi Sno White,
    Your Garden is looking good. Those merigolds work really well for lots of little friends to stay out of the garden. Our garden is doing well and I am starting my cnaning season. Thanks for sharing and have a great day!

  10. Enjoy gardening. . . . it is so rewarding and GOOD for us! Keep us posted on the progress that takes place!


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.