Thursday, April 23, 2009

Meatless Main Dishes

Frog Prince and I eat most of our meals sans meat. In fact, almost any of our recipes can be adapted to be meat free. If we do eat meat, we eat way less than the recipe specifies; we don't really need that much meat, and then it stretches for multiple meals. One reason we do it -- it's healthier. Another reason, eating lower on the food chain is better for the environment.

For some of our meatless main dishes, check out our vegetarian tab.

The recipe I'm going to share with you today is one we recently found and greatly enjoyed....

Mushroom Mozzarella Pasta (click for recipe)

For more meatless meal ideas, stop by Ultimate Recipe Swap!


  1. Sounds great! Spinach and mushrooms are two of my favorite things! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Yum! I'm only just now acquiring a "taste for spinach" but this looks delicious.

  3. This sounds and looks delicious! Have to add it to my "must try" list!

  4. Good for you eating less meat. I am working on it too. Chris loves his meat though So we have been starting by eating less red meat/big meat. And now we have started breaking the 1 lb packages into 1/2 lb so it goes further. We are getting there!

  5. That really looks great and the recipe sounds pretty easy to make too! My kind of recipe. ;)

  6. This looks really tasty. I'm always looking for more pasta recipes because it's one of our son's favorite things to eat.

  7. Oh this looks really good and just up our alley. I'm so glad you posted this. We're not big on beans at our house so I've been searching for meatless meals without beans. I'm definitely trying this one. Thanks!


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