Saturday, December 5, 2009

Chipper Crinkle Cookies

My friend Sara is doing a 25-cookies of Christmas counting down to Christmas day. She has some yummy-looking cookies, and fudge. :)

One cookie I love, is chocolate crinkles. What I don't love about the original recipe is you have to be patient... and wait for the dough to chill.

Sara posted a similar-looking crinkle recipe that I had to try. I think these might be my new favorite!!

Chipper Crinkle Cookies - Adapted from Sara

6 T butter
3/4 C sugar
2 eggs
1 1/2 tsp. vanilla
1 C dark chocolate chips
1 1/2 C white whole wheat flour
1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
1 C dark chocolate chips
2ish T powdered sugar

Cream together sugar, and butter until light and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time, mixing after each egg. Then, add in the vanilla.

Melt the first 1 C chocolate chips until smooth. Allow to sit on the counter to cool down, just a little bit (you don't want to scramble the eggs!!).

While the chocolate cools just a bit, mix the flour, baking powder and salt together in a medium bowl.

Then, add the melted chocolate to the egg mixture. When combined, add in the flour mixture. Blend well.

Add in the additional 1 C of chocolate chips; stir well. I found my dough to be quite "tough" -- I think that's because of the whole wheat flour and the melted chocolate. It wasn't sticky, even though it looked like it would be... and was easy to work with!!

Drop cookies by the spoonful onto a plate dusted with 2 T powdered sugar.

Roll the cookies into balls, and then roll in the powdered sugar.

Place cookies on a lightly greased cookie sheet.

Bake at 350 for ~10 minutes, until the outside edges are set. The center will still be slightly soft at this point, but you can remove them from the oven and leave them sit on the cookie sheet for about 5 minutes. Try not to over bake -- they'll still be tasty, but quite crunchy.

Cool completely on a cookie rack.

Dust with additional powdered sugar, if desired.

Thanks, Sara!! These are wonderful ... especially with the hidden chocolate chips!

Made about 3 dozen cookies.


  1. These look simply delicious. I love all the cracks on top :D

  2. I like the idea of using whole wheat flour. These little treats looks and sound GREAT!!!

  3. Yum! I make some that look the same called Espresso SnowCaps...omg, I need some now :D

  4. And now I know what I'll be making tomorrow!!! Or next week .... we're already overflowing with cookies right now :)

  5. These are wonderful. I dream about them. Now, I have the recipe.

  6. I can't wait to try these! I'm always looking for recipes that work with 100% whole wheat flour. Thanks!


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