Monday, July 19, 2010

The Best Potato Fries

For my graduation gift from my advisor and mentor, I received this amazing cookbook.

Any scientist would love Cooks Illustrated because they actually perform "experiments" to determine which food products are the best and which kitchen gadgets stand up to the test.

Naturally... I love it.

One of the tips/recipes I first tried was one for making crunchy-on-the-outside, chewy-on-the-inside french fries!!

They involve two things I never would have thought to do when making fries... (1) you soak the potatoes, and (2) you cover them with foil for part of the baking time!

The Best Potato Fries - Cooks Illustrated
{Print Recipes}

~4 medium russet potatoes
2 T olive oil
salt and pepper

Slice the potatoes into desired fry shape.

Then, in a large bowl, cover the potatoes with hot water and let them sit for 20ish minutes.

Remove the potatoes from the water and blot dry with a towel.

Lightly grease a cookie sheet with 1 T olive oil. Sprinkle the sheet with salt and pepper.

Return the potatoes to the bowl and toss with 1 T olive oil.

Lay the potatoes on the cookie sheet.

It's okay if they are touching, just don't stack them up!

Cover the fries with tinfoil and bake at 475 for 5-10 minutes.

Then, remove the tinfoil and continue baking.  Bake for 10 minutes, then rotate the tray.

After 20 minutes have passed, check to see if the underside of the potato is lightly browned.  If it is, go ahead and flip over the potatoes.

Continue baking 5-15 minutes until the potato fries are browned and crunchy.


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  1. "Yummy Sno"... I must pick up this cookbook to add to my collection. AND I WILL be crunching these soon. Would this work with sweet potato fries too???

  2. Oh those look so good! I already use the soaking method when I make my fries, but haven't done the foil..thanks for the great tip!

  3. They look delicious and the technique sounds great! CI is a wonderful thing!

  4. I love Cooks Illustrated! Great looking fries.

  5. This is one of my favorite cookbooks. I have the original one and have used it for years.

  6. ill have to try it once its not 90 out anymore...thanks for sharing!

  7. Those look so good! I'm going to try them for sure!

  8. Yum and healthy.
    Stop by and visit.


  9. Thanks for sharing the secrets! I cant wait to try them. Bet it would work on the grill too!

  10. I love watching the show on PBS. They always have great tips and everything I've tried from their show has always come out great.

  11. I just discovered Cooks Illustrated magazines and was amazed by all the time and effort they put into perfecting their recipes. I'll have to look for that book.

  12. Gotta love a cookbooks that extensively tests out recipes for me. I am SO trying this with sweet potato fries!

  13. @ Donna and Joanne,

    I tried this method with sweet potato fries. They cooked in a much shorter time, but they still didn't get super crunchy on the outside. I still enjoyed them because I love SP fries, but, this method really was the best on regular potato fries. Let me know if you have success!

  14. I'm going to have to try the covering technique next time I do potato fries, it looks like yours turned out perfectly! :)

    ~Aubree Cherie

  15. Thanks Sno... Did you soak the sweet potato fries before too... Maybe that needs the tweaking, I'll try some different ways and let you know...Have a great day!

  16. I love this cookbook, but I've never tried these fries! I'm adding them to my list; thanks for the recommendation!


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