Sunday, July 18, 2010

Menu Plan - July 18

First of all...

Happy Birthday to my Pops!  Hope your day has been extra special!!

Last week, we had a chance to check a lot of things off our "moving to-do" list, and it feels wonderful.  The freezer and pantry are looking much, much emptier.  This whole "eat from the pantry" quest has helped our grocery budget :)

I've also gotten to try out recipes in the toaster oven and stove top because it's been way too hot to even THINK about turning on the oven.  All of last week's meals were made this way!!

Last week, we enjoyed:

{made in the toaster oven}

{made in the toaster oven}

Stove Top Spaghetti with whole wheat pasta
(I added carrots, fresh tomatoes, peppers and mushrooms to the sauce!)

{Stove Top Recipe}

Homemade Pizza with wonderful friends

(enjoyed with wonderful friends while watching Lord of the Rings!)

 Philly Cheese Steak Melts
{Crockpot/Toaster Oven/Bread Maker}

{Toaster Oven}

This week ... more "cool" summer recipes made from the crockpot, toaster oven and stove top!  Oh, and Friday, we're having our friends over to celebrate our anniversary a few days early.  We're recreating our wedding dinner and are super excited to share it with our friends.  

B - Blueberry Whole Wheat Cinnamon Rolls (new) {toaster oven}
D - Crockpot whole chicken, green beans and potatoes

B - Leftover cinnamon rolls
D - Chicken and veggie stirfry {Stove top/Rice Maker}

B - Cherry Bread (new) {bread machine}
D - Italian Sausage in Spinach Tomato Sauce (new) {stove top}

B - Leftover Cherry Bread
D - Leftovers
{Lugnut's Game?  Or Thursday, if raining.}

B - Granola with fresh blueberries
D - Baked Zucchini Mac and Cheese (new) {toaster oven}

B - Veggie Scramble
D - Re-creating our wedding dinner!!

D - Leftovers???  {we'll see what we have left by then!!}



  1. I think I am going to sit down before bed and actually make a plan for the week!

  2. I hope you give it a try, Missie. Menu planning is such a time and stress saver (as well as a money saver) for us!

  3. Sounds like a delicious week!! Love the idea of re-creating your wedding dinner. How sweet!!

  4. Crockpot blueberry cobbler = awesome. Thanks for sharing

  5. Looks like a wonderful week. So when does the big move take place? Love the cheesecake, made in the toaster oven? Awesome!

  6. You have me craving blueberry cobbler...

  7. Thanks for visiting my blog. I highly recommend you try the chicken salad. So worth it. Your menu looks great. Enjoy your wedding dinner.

  8. Love the zucchini mac & cheese - great way to incorporate vegetables into a family favorite!

  9. all looks so good! Can I come over? I love making my menu for the week! It keeps me on track and on budget!

  10. My oven is broken and I'm loving that crockpot cobbler as well as all the fabulious dishes. I need to take your inspiration and do more menu planning!

  11. Happy upcoming anniversary.
    I'm looking forward to hearing more about your cinnamon rolls. I've been meaning to try to make some.

  12. Your blog is fantastic, so many easy to make & practical family meals. I'm not great in the kitchen so I think my family will be so happy I have found your blog!!!


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.