Thursday, March 10, 2011

1-Minute Cran-Apple Crisp

All the credit for this easy, make-in-minutes, treat goes to my little sister.  While she was staying with me last week, she developed this combination.

Three easy ingredients, combine to make a wonderfully healthy afternoon snack, breakfast, or even a dessert.

1-Minute Cran-Apple Crisp - Laura
{Serves 1}

1 C applesauce
1 T craisins
2 T homemade granola

Warm the applesauce in the microwave for about 45 seconds.  Stir in craisins.  Top with granola.

Stir to comibine.


What are your favorite easy, healthy snack ideas?


Linked to: Full Plate Thursday, It's a Keeper, Recipe Swap, Friday Potluck, Sweet Tooth Friday, Family Friendly Fridays, I'm Lovin It, Everything But the Kitchen Sink, Feature Yourself Friday,   


  1. how simple, yet wonderful! this is what food blogging is all about, thanks for sharing!

  2. It's great! I'm eating it right now. :)
    I added cinnamon (my applesauce doesn't have any) and pecan halves (my regrets to this blog's author) for a little protein.

  3. Hi Sno White,
    Great idea little sister Laura. I think I am going to the kitchen to have a bowl of that right now. Thank you for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and please come back!

  4. Ooooh....lucky me, I have applesauce in the fridge I need to use up soon! Thanks for the great idea!

  5. Yum! I so want to make some of that homemade granola! Thanks!

  6. What a wonderful idea and I'm loving the fact that I have all of the ingredients on hand!!! My kids will be very excited with this new "treat"!

  7. This would be a wonderful "dessert" for my kids and a great way to have a warm breakfast at work. Adding this to my menu this week. Thanks for sharing.

  8. wonderful blog! well, It is true that it is really nice to see things organized at home. I've been using those containers too and it's really good for a food storage and easy to wash. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Wonderful blog! images of that delicious recipes captured my eyes. Really craving and have that t eat right away. Thanks for sharing!


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.