Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!


Oh, how joyfully,
Oh, how hopefully,
Waits the world on Christmas Eve!
Love comes healing.
God revealing.
Friends, be joyful and believe. 

Oh, how joyfully,
Oh, how peacefully,
Sleeps the world on Christmas Night!
Sins are covered.
Grace discovered.
In our darkness shines the light!

Oh, how joyfully,
Oh, how thankfully,
Wakes the world on Christmas Morn!
God has spoken,
Death is broken,
Alleluia!  Christ is born!

-Brian Wren


Frog Prince and I wish you a very merry Christmas. 

See you back here on the 26th for the Countdown to 2013!


  1. LOVE this a poem or song? Beautifully written. Merry Christmas to you both!

    1. I believe it's a song -- heard it at Festival of Christmas this year. I loved it too. Merry Christmas!


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.