Sunday, January 13, 2013

Menu Plan–January 13

It is cold here today… walking into and out of church… brrrr.   Nothing like warm soup when it’s cold outside – and I’m finding myself wishing I had leftovers of this new winter minestrone soup we made this week. 

Last week we pulled out one of our all-time favorite dinners – Ham & Garden Veggie Shells.   Yum-o.  With all the new recipes we try, sometimes we forget how much we love old favorites until you make them again. 

This week, we’re going for warm comfort foods – since the temperatures will be quite chilly.  Breakfasts this week will be quick (granola, muffins from the freezer, and leftover pancakes) as Frog Prince (who normally works from home) has to be out bright and early this week. 

Pasta Fagoli Soup {new}

To do: peel & dice sweet potatoes

Barley & Sweet Potato Pilaf {new}

To do: Thaw spaghetti sauce

Crockpot Rice Lasagna {new}

To do: Cook sweet potatoes & carrots down for puree

Wintry Baked Ziti

To do: Nothing!


To do: Make wild rice

Mushroom & Wild Rice Soup {new}


Menu Plan Monday is hosted at Organizing Junkie - stop by for hundreds of menus

Find more great menus at OrgJunkie’s Menu Plan Monday!


  1. Hi there, found you via Menu Plan Monday. I'm your newest follower, and I'm loving your blog. I think you have some great recipes, and I can't wait to try them. Have a blessed week of cooking. :)

  2. I've added minestrone to my menu this week. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. Your pasta fagoli sounds amazing! :) Erin

  4. Yum, pinned a few recipes! Thanks for the inspiration. I'm a new follower too!


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