Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving Prep: 2010

Our kitchen is all set and ready for the big day!

Having this beautiful kitchen certainly tops my list of things I'm thankful for this year -- we are so blessed, and I'm excited to cook and officially break in this new kitchen over the next few days.

Last year was the first time Frog Prince and I had Thanksgiving at our home.  Back in our tiny apartment, dear 3131, we cooked "Giant" -- the first turkey we ever purchased.

Giant was delicious -- locally harvested from a delightful Amish farmer!  We are excited for this year's bird too, and are looking forward to all the yummy leftovers.  But, first, there's a lot of cooking to be done!

The Menu
Turkey {made on the grill!}

Sweet Potatoes and Cranberries {new} - Mom's bringing

Squash - Leftover {just reheat}

Mom's Apple Pie - Mom's bringing

My goal with holiday meal prep is to do as much before hand as possible, and then set up a schedule to aid in making sure the meal is ready at the same time!  I do this by determining the "eat time" and working backwards.  We hope to eat lunch around 1pm, and with that in mind, I know when to start.  Here's the breakdown of how we're setting up this week to get ready for Thanksgiving -- reducing stress and stressing the JOY of cooking this festive meal!

The Breakdown
-Hit up the grocery store for any last minute items {mushrooms!!}

-Make a loaf of bread for the stuffing; this will bring us to enough bread for the recipe. {done}
-Cook up the wild rice; store it in the fridge until Thursday morning. {done}
-Make molasses crinkle dough; store in the freezer until Thursday morning.  Maybe bake a few cookies while I'm at it :) {done}

-Make cream of mushroom soup for the green beans; store in fridge until Thursday.
-Pull bread out of the freezer for the stuffing.

-AM: Tear apart bread into bite-sized pieces and set out on the counter to dry out.
-PM: Pick up turkey from mom, make celery/onion mix for the stuffing, assemble breakfast for Thanksgiving day.

Thanksgiving Day
7:00 am - Turn on the crockpot to cook our breakfast casserole, and remove molasses crinkle cookie dough from the freezer {for the pie crust}
7:30 am - Prep the Turkey for the grill; Frog Prince gets grill heated up
8:00 am -  Turkey on the grill!
8:30ish -- Breakfast break
9:00 am - Dinner rolls in the bread machine{double batch}; mix together green beans
9:30 am - Bake pie crust; prep filling
10:30 am - Sweet Potato Pie in the oven
11:00 am - Prep Stuffing; Shape dough into rolls (cover to rise)
11:45 am - Wild Rice Stuffing into the oven
12:30 pm - Lucy's dinner rolls into the oven
12:30 pm - Green Bean hot dish into the oven
12:45 pm - Turkey out; allow to set. Make gravy.
~1pm - Happy Thanksgiving!

We'll enjoy pie in the afternoon along with homemade vanilla ice cream {already made}, and fresh spiced whipped cream.


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  1. Just found your blog via menu plan monday. Love all that I saw. Now following you. Have a great Thanksgiving!

  2. What a fabulous plan to work off of!
    Thanksgiving is in October here so it's LONG gone, but looking at your pics makes me wish it was still coming up :)

  3. fabulous dinner to have, yummminess

  4. Butter is a must in any good mashed potato. :-)

  5. Great plan! Your Thanksgiving menu looks delicious!

    One quick question: are you using your grill as an oven? We do this and found out about 5 years ago that cooking the turkey this way doesn't take near as long as it does in the oven. Just a warning for you and Frog Prince! My dad (who is the turkey master) had to serve us cold turkey one year because the turkey was done about 2 hours ahead of schedule!

    I hope you have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!

  6. Wonderful dinner plans, lots of prep work but save you in the end. I always have to write out a plan too.

  7. Yum.... I'm your newest happy follower. http://moogieland.blogspot.com/

  8. You are my hero!! I only wish to be as organized as you. Sounds amazing. Glad to hear you will have family over to enjoy your good cooking. Enjoy breaking in the new kitchen.. have a fabulous Thanksgiving!!

  9. You and I have a lot in common. I too plan this way for Thanksgiving.
    Am thinking the green bean hot pot would be good for Christmas dinner as Thanksgiving has passed here in Canada.

    All of your dishes look wonderful.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. Sounds like a great plan and from the looks of all this food, your Thanksgiving is going to be a delicious one.


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.