Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving Recap 2010

This year was a special year for Frog Prince and I as we celebrated Thanksgiving for the first time in our new home.

Our kitchen is just about done {we have one more knob to attach to a door} and we couldn't wait to break it in and really test out it's engine, so to speak, with this holiday cooking.

Following our time schedule for Thanksgiving made the day and all the food stress free! I stopped and even asked myself why cooking this large of a meal is so stressful -- I actually had time to talk with my family during the whole process.

We got up early to put the bird in the oven....

Yes, the bacon makes exceptionally good gravy. 

We ended up making the turkey in the oven rather than the grill as we planned because it was so COLD!  The high didn't get out of the teens all day.  Burrr.  

While the turkey baked, we made:

{these were our appetizer}

Sweet Potato Casserole
{recipe to come}

By 1pm, our 15ish pound bird was out of the oven and
ready to sit for 15 minutes before carving.
Frog Prince did the honors....

We served up a lovely Thanksgiving meal --

After eating, we cleaned up the kitchen, and then
got to talk with Frog Prince's family via Skype.

This is the first year we won't be seeing them for either Thanksgiving or Christmas,
so we tried a virtual visit on Thanksgiving day.
It wasn't the same as seeing them in person,
but, it was better than not seeing them at all.  

We finished up the evening with pie...

Sweet Potato Pie with Molasses Crinkle Crust
with spiced whipped cream
{recipe coming soon}


Mom's Apple Pie
{wheat pie crust - recipe coming soon}

We nibbled on leftovers for dinner 
after playing a game of Up and Down the River.  

It was a delightful Thanksgiving!

How was your Turkey day?



  1. Oh, your Thanksgiving meal looks so yummy! :) I'm sure you had a great time with your family. We skyped with Nathan's family on Thanksgiving, too! And you're's not as good as seeing them in person, but it sure beats not seeing them at all. Thank goodness for technology!

  2. Your Thanksgiving sounds and looks delicious. The apple pie with whole wheat crust sounds interesting.

  3. Do you have a button somewhere that I am missing to subscribe via a reader? I cannot seem to find one....

    Love your blog!


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.