Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Organizing My Kitchen {and yours too}

When Frog Prince and I moved in to our house 6 months ago today, we had a blank slate in our kitchen.  After our remodel, we have been trying out different ways to arrange our kitchen dishes, utensils and small appliances for maximum efficiency.

Please tell me I'm not the only one who arranges and re-arranges trying to find the best use for the space?!

Today, I want to share with you the top three things that have really worked for us to organize our kitchen:

1. Clean utensil drawers.  
When I have a limited amount of time to get a recipe together, the last thing I want to do is spend time looking all over for that missing Tablespoon!  Or, that missing garlic press I mentioned on Facebook.  Which, I did end up finding -- behind the bread machine in the pantry closet.  Anyway, I digress.  Having clean, organized drawers is a must for us.


We lined our drawers with a shelf liner, and used an old Velveeta cheese box (and by old, I mean 5+ years old, since we haven't had Velveeta in our house for that long!) to hold our measuring spoons and meat thermometer.  Corralling those loose items in one space makes the drawer look much nicer.

2. Easy Access Baking Supplies
We use a lot of flour and baking supplies, so I want these items to be easily accessible.  Arranged on two pull-out drawers in our new kitchen cabinet are 8 flour storage containers.  I find these Oxo storage containers so much easier to work with than torn flour bags.  Each 4-quart square canister holds a 5lb bag of flour.

I labeled them using our label maker and have them organized for easy access - with the wheat flours in the front, the bread and all purpose flour behind them, and the sugars, oats and powdered milk on the lower shelf.

3. Menu Plan Central
Tucked along the side of our refrigerator is a posting of our weekly menu plan.  Menu planning significantly reduces dinner time stress, decreases our food budget, encourages fellowship of Frog Prince and I in the kitchen, promotes healthier eating and saves us from that dreadful 5pm question, "Honey, what's for dinner?!"

Frog Prince gave me this rotating menu plan dry erase board a few years ago and I love it.  Each Thursday night, Frog Prince and I take a few minutes to menu plan. This is often determined by (1) what we have that we would like to use up, (2) what's on sale, and (3) what we're interested in eating.  You can read more about how we menu plan here, if you'd like.

We record our menu items on the calendar and place it on the side of the fridge, clearly visible as a reminder (oh, yeah, I need to start the crockpot before work) first thing in the morning.

If you need some help and inspiration getting started with menu planning, six bloggers {including myself} have put together menu plan ideas, and each recipe in the menu has a  printable grocery list to match!

*       *       *

Over the coming weeks, I'll continue to give you sneak peaks into our kitchen -- how it's organized and how we store healthy foods in our space.  But today, I'd like to finish up this post with an organizing kick-start giveaway!

I'm sure many of you know Laura, The Organizing Junkie, and are inspired by her organization.  Well, she has just authored a book about organizing called Clutter Rehab, and I have FOUR free, signed copies for you!

In addition, I also have 3 copies of Laura's (The Heavenly Homemaker) book all about kitchen organizing - Do the Funky Kitchen e-book.

That's right -- there will be 7 winners chosen using Random.org.

Entering is easy. Just leave a comment on this post identifying the area you would start organizing first in your kitchen!

The giveaway will close on Thursday, February 10, 2011, at 11:59pm.  

Be sure to visit some other fantastic bloggers and get their insight on organization and enter in their giveaways:



  1. I rearrange stuff a lot too. It frustrates my hubby when he empty's the dishwasher. I laugh when it's been MONTHS since I rearranged and he's suddenly lost about where to put something.

    I would say my food organization/pantry needs it most. As in I need to magically double the space. However, if we're blessed to be able to move like we'd like to, I'll be looking to figure out how to best arrange everything in the 'triangle' to make the kitchen as efficient as possible!

  2. My pantry needs a total makeover!

  3. I really need to find somewhere to put all of my little appliances - wheat grinder, blender, juicer, toaster, ect. Your kitchen looks like heaven!

  4. With the limited drawer and cupboard space, it would be helpful to find ways to organize them better.

  5. Oh, this totally motivates me to reorganize my kitchen tomorrow. It is a unorganized mess right now and I love an organized kitchen.

    Thank you for this motivation!
    -Alyson @ peacefulmamma.blogspot.com

  6. Definitely my pantry! It has ample space, but so much of it is back behind a wall that it is very difficult to access. I would like to tear the whole thing out and either create a walk-in or a rotating shelf system.

  7. Oh my. Definitely my bigger cooking instruments drawer. I have EVERYTHING in there, and it is always a cram to get everything to fit well.

  8. I seriously need to get to that junk drawer.... you know the bottom drawer in the kitchen that every house has that becomes a resting place for anything and everything. Broken rubber bands, pieces of string, the power adapter for a long since removed piece of electrical technology......

  9. I agree with Marisa, my pantry needs a makeover as well! I love what you have done

  10. We just had a kitchen re-do also. All new cabinets etc.We have 2 corner lazy susans, one below, and one in the corner in the upper cabinets. It's rather hard for me to even see what's on the top tier. Need to figure out what would be best up there.

  11. Yeahh, I have so many cupboards waiting to be organized: tea cupboard, pot cupboard, utencils drawer. The biggest issue is that our kitchen remolling is still on hold and I just dont have enough cupboard space in the kitchen... Ou well, I´ll manage till the new kitchen will be ready!

  12. We moved into our home 7 months ago. With a 4 yo and 1 1/2 yo, I have had a hard time keeping my counter tops clutter free. I still have room in my bottom cabinets, but it feels as cluttered as leaving things on my counter to randomly place items in free space in cabinets. So... My cabinets are where I would start. I sort of organized them when we moved in, but the organization has spiraled since then. Thanks for this chance!

  13. What a great menu planner! I've tried posting lists I make to the fridge, but I seem to forget about them. I guess that would have to do more with me than with whatever type of menu plan I make.

    I guess the first thing I need to organize is my baking supply cupboard. I use it often, but I just shove things back in place so I can shut the doors...

  14. My pantry is in need of some major attention and re-organization!!

  15. I would definitely start with my baking cabinets and drawers. I can NEVER find my measuring cups and spoons. Seems like I spend more time looking for stuff than I do baking...

  16. My spice cabinet and baking supply cabinet need a total makeover! Its a mess and it always takes forever to find the spice i am looking for!

  17. My pantry is just a mess! I can never seem to organize it in just the right way....

  18. We moved into our house a few months ago. The kitchen has a desk area with several cubbie spaces (different sizes, vertical and horizontal) that I am trying to utilize for the overwhelming amount of school papers, ongoing homework projects, etc. that my kids bring home. This area usually ends up looking cluttered.

  19. I have no organizational skills. It would be a huge help to find what works and what does not. Your kitchen is really pretty and I would love to make mine not only clutter free but functional. Thanks.

  20. My cabinets need a lot of help!

    rachel dot beasley at converse dot edu

  21. The drawers in my island are a MESS! I guess that's the most needed spot for organizing right now! I'd love a chance to win!
    schroepfer 7 at gmail dot com

  22. I've been working really hard on kitchen reorganization this past month. I've cleaned out four cupboards and my pantry so far. BUT...next on my list is my utensil drawer! Which is funny because it's the smallest of things on my "to do" list but the one I'm least looking forward to! It's messy, (a little dirty w/ crumbs...yuck) and filled with stuff I don't use!
    Great giveaway - thanks!

  23. I was just about to start (a month late..better late than never!)my 52 weeks of organization! I am so overwhelmed I am writing down all of the areas that need organization on little slips of paper and drawing them out of a hat to determine what I should do first! Help!!

  24. I love reorganizing my kitchen! Today, actually, I need to figure out how to make some space for some new mugs I bought. I also need to figure out how to organize baking supplies like flour and sugar. Usually I just leave them in their bags (aside from some countertop canisters), but maybe bins are the way to go.


  25. Unfortunately renting means I cannot rip cabinets and counters out to make it exactly what I want, but it would be nice to work on the 2 pantries that I have, the smaller one for canned items etc and the larger one for the appliances like the food processor, blender, etc. (Note the crockpot stays out all the time lol)

  26. Your new kitchen looks great!

    I would have to start with either our food cabinet or the baby cabinet that houses all of the sippy cups, baby meds, etc.

  27. Pantry is number one. Since I'm in the midwest and snowed in I just may tackle this today!

  28. my weakness is my recipe collection--it's taken over my otherwise-pretty kitchen shelves!

  29. Spices! We are currently employing a turn-table approach, but this method wastes space. When we remodel, we plan to have a rack on the inside of a cabinet or on the wall, over the counter. Further, we are trying to switch to small jars of bulk-purchased spices so that we can (a) fit more spices into the same space and (b) keep our spices fresh!

  30. I would start with my utensil drawer, so many things need to be donated or given away.

  31. I would love to get my gluten free food organized better and more separate from the gluten items.

  32. I would start with my pantry. It is huge, and I am constantly buying things I already have. Doing an inventory would be helpful!

  33. I would organize my freezer...it's a jungle in there!!!!

  34. My drawer with measuring cups, spoons, and other kitchen tools is a disaster! That's definitely where I need to start.

  35. I would start in my utensil drawer. It is full of so much junk I never even use!

  36. Thanks for the great tips! I love the rotating menu plan, that is great. Today I am starting with recipes and if I have time, the dreaded tupperware drawer! Thanks for hosting the contest!

  37. I am jealous and inspired by the organization of your kitchen! :)

  38. I would love to organize this cabinet where we throw all the random kitchen gadgets that don't fit anywhere else!

  39. Thanks for sharing.....the one room I am always wanting organized is my kitchen. Never seem to get it the way that works the best for us. So this is a great giveaway. The place that needs it the most would be my baking area.....it's the worst.

  40. I need to organize my recipes and menu plan!

  41. We moved into our house one year ago and I'm STILL relocating things as I try and figure out useful locations for things. Don't be afraid to be unconventional when moving things around.

  42. My pantry needs organizing so much! I have tried so many different solutions and nothing seems to work.

  43. My kitchen and pantry need to be organized really bad. With two of us cooking a lot (my daughter and myself) she doesn't always put things back where she found them bc she says that it doesn't make sense. I have a very small kitchen and you can not always put things where it makes sense as there is no room.

    I love your ideas here.

  44. I think the biggest tip I can leave others with is to put things where you will use them. This means you store glasses NEAR the refrigerator, plates/utensils closest to the table, pots/pans by the stove, spices/flour, etc by your workspace where you make your concoctions. With those tips in mind, I have organized my kitchen like this:

    Thanks for sharing...beautiful and organized kitchen!

  45. My drawers could use some organizing! I think I'm really at the "I need to get rid of stuff" phase!

  46. my utensil drawer and recipe collection really need to be organized.

  47. My husband made our kitchen cabinets 5 years ago but he ran out of steam or just got plain lazy and never made the drawers. So I have holes where the drawers go but no drawers so I bought a wire basket for my cooking utensils that I keep on the counter. Counter space is at a premium because we have a small kitchen and it's a mess and so hard to find what I need when cooking. I'd really like to better organize my utensils and flatware and everything else that is supposed to be in a drawer but is now up on the counter top.

  48. I'm so impressed with your gorgeous kitchen, and think it is wonderful you got to be a part of making it that way! I love helping with home renos and I always learn so much in the process. :D

    If I was going to start organizing something in my kitchen, it would have to be the miscellaneous utensil drawer - somewhat of an organizational nightmare in there!!

    PS made your black bean brownies last night! Yummy!! There are fast becoming a favourite around here!

  49. I am actually pretty organized in my kitchen (okay, some say anal). BUT...I would start to RE-organize my lower kitchen cabinets! I like stuff at a level I can reach it, so I usually fill up my upper cabinets, and throw stuff down low that I won't need often. Plus, it keeps me from having to bend over a lot and lift up heavy items. EXCEPT, I do have to get down there and get my crockpot(s) because that's the only place they will fit! So that's where I'd start...but it would probably start a whirlwind of a complete kitchen makeover! :)

  50. I am going through a kitchen re-org right now too. My first place to start has been the cabinets. I really want some pull out shelves, but for the moment I am working with what we have!

  51. I rearrange things a lot myself, still doing it 7 years after moving in. LOL. My kitchen is really small, without much storage. The biggest cabinet is sadly a corner one and I just can't figure out how to use it well. Right now it just has all the coffee cups, glasses, glass measuring cups, dishes I only pull out obsessionally, etc., randomly shoved into it. It takes forever to find what I need and usually end up pulling out everything on a shelf before I find it. I feel sick to my stomach every time I look at that cupboard.

  52. I totally need to organize my cupboards!! They are always a mess!!

  53. My pantry could use some organizing.

  54. I would start with the cabinets some are organized but others are a mess, thanks for the giveaway. Would love to win.

  55. My office. I'm drowning in paper and STUFF.

  56. My pantry needs it the most. But the rest of my kitchen needs to be organized too.

  57. The cupboard under my sink - I'm forever losing recyclables into it's depths.

  58. I need to organize my freezer!
    Thanks :)

  59. I would start in my kitchen cabinets! I swear when we moved in I was all about how AWESOME it was we had so many... now I swear we don't have enough. So obviously something has gone haywire in our organization.

  60. My whole kitchen could use some organization but My pantry needs help big time!!!

  61. The first thing I need to tackle is my HUSBAND -- we've been living in our current home for almost 9 years and I have not changed anything since the first year we lived here -- and still I should feel grateful that he empties the dishwasher -- but I can never find anything because he won't take the trouble to learn where it goes -- So my solution seems to be reorganizing my entire kitchen and make him decide where everything goes. It might kill me to let him rearrange -- but it beats not finding what I need when I need it!

  62. I will start with my utensil drawers and then move on to the food storage. I would like a makeoever of the kitchen, but maybe in time.

  63. My food pantry is a happy jumble that inspires creativity if nothing else. But my cupboard that holds bowls, storage containers, cutting boards, pot holders, and who-knows-what-else could really use some inspiration. Both, how to organize it, and help simply deciding what I need and what I can give away!

  64. I have one of those "black hole" corner cabinets that REALLY needs some attention!

  65. I would start with my pantry. It has very long shelves so I have items that got lost way in the back. LOL

  66. My utensil dtawer! It is packed with everything and at times is so hard to even get open and when I do finding what Im looking for feels like it takes ages to even find! UGH!!!

  67. I most need to rearrange my pantry. I used to store extra food in the front room of my house, but recently decided that I wanted to keep all food in the kitchen. So now I have food stuffed in all of the cabinets haphazardly. I could definitely use some tips for this! I'm glad I found your site. Amy

  68. My husband and I are in the process of adding a pantry to our Kitchen, so as soon as that is completed our Kitchen is getting a whole organization make over, including dishes and pots and pans. I'm very excited about not having to worry about where everything will fit, since our cupboards are very small. Once all the food stuff is in the pantry my kitchen will be more like my safe haven... I'm sooooo excited. Thanks for the ideas to get me started!!!

  69. I would love to start with my tupperware drawer, It seems like no matter what it's always a huge mess!

  70. You have really inspired me with this post and I'm not sure if I should pick the pantry or the drawers!

    Ledys.e.Chemin @ gmail.com

  71. Our kitchen is pretty organized, but I can always find other areas in it to "fix" and make more user friendly. I think my next project would be my recipes and recipe books. I recently organized all my small appliances and that works well!

  72. My spice/flour/oil cupboard needs help, as do my baking items (cookie sheets, cake pans, cupcake pans, springform pans, bread pans, casserole dishes).

  73. I need to go through our cabinets and find room to move food up out of our basement!

  74. I'm constantly rearranging my kitchen...and that's after 11 years on this house! Something new comes in, and things have to move. Or the season changes and so does my cooking so commonly used tools change. At least, it's never boring, lol! By the way, I gave you an award on my blog. I hope you like it.

  75. I really need my pantry to be better organized. It drives me crazy!

  76. OH OH OH!!!! I SOOOOOO need that book. My kitchen is totally unorganized from top to bottom. So sad. When we moved in I just put stuff in cabinets to get it put away thinking I'd get back to it later...uh, yeah, right. Not so much. It's been a year and it's still where I put it that first day!


    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  77. Love your kitchen! I know that if my shoebox kitchen were more organized, it wouldn't be that big of a problem that it is a shoebox!

  78. I love your kitchen, if I ever decide to concur the clutter I will be back for motivation.

  79. I have MANY places that need organizing! I should start with the drawers in my kitchen and then move onto the pantry so I can do the menu planning a lot easier!!!

  80. I would love to win a copy!! My kitchen is SO small and I only have 3 drawers and very limited cabinet space. My whole kitchen needs an overhall! My main area is my utensil drawer. Everything is crammed in there because I have nowhere else to put anything.

  81. That sounds so much like my kitchen! I just rearranged all of my tupperware, and the spices are next! I was always unsure about using the same type of spice holder as you own. Saw it in a store and loved it, but since my kitchen is rather small and I just have a small space between my stove and fridge, just like you, I was scared it would take up too much space... Looking at your pictures, I now know I will still have enough space, on top of that more space in my pantry because all the spices will be gone out of there! Thank you!

  82. My pantry! And my tupperware! Can't ever seem to keep it organized!

  83. My pantry - it desparately need organization! Every so often we pull everything out, check expiration dates, clean, organize and put it back. But it doesn't take long to be cluttered and not user-friendly. I would love to establish an organized pantry!

  84. I just recently started organizing my kitchen (as part of Laura's 52 weeks challenge). And, yes, I also find myself organizing and re-organizing to find the best plan! For me, the #1 thing to get organized is my pantry in the kitchen. This is because when my pantry is beautiful and I can see exactly what I have on hand, I'm more inspired to get cookin'! Thanks for the giveaway!

  85. I need help organizing a toddler-friendly snack space!

  86. Oh I totally rearrange ALL of my rooms - much to my husbands dismay. But really - I need to find a better usage for that darn lazy susan that has a broken shelf and my SPICE CUPBOARD. It's a TOTAL disaster (Ok, ok, the majority of my cupboards end up that way when I have the kids put things away, but I digress).

  87. Container storage for sure! I literally have a box on my kitchen floor holding all the storage containers. Trust me, it just isn't working!

  88. my spice cupboard its a mess and hard to find a spice i need. Every time i have to pull out half the cupboard to find what i need

  89. I'd organize food storage. The rest of it is fairly well thought out.

  90. Totally my pantry! Every few weeks I completely empty it and start all over. It always feels good to have an organized pantry!

  91. My food cupboard really needs help!!! I would start there! martha(at)lclink(dot)com

  92. I would organize my cabinet that all the odds and ends get thrown in!

  93. just found your blog and I'll be back!

    I really need to work on organizing our kids school/babysitter papers. I know I can't save them all! Our daughter brings home atleast 2 each day from the sitter. And our son has To Do papers, To fill out papers and Things I have done. They have taken over the very limited counterspace I have ...beside the coffee pot and on the microwave stand! Help!

  94. Hi!
    I have so little spaace in my kitchen I'd organize all the food items in boxes along my wall.I keep trying but I seriously just need one of those pantry type tall closets.
    Thanks so much for the opportunity to win in this giveaway!
    bunnysmip at yahoo dot com

  95. I am very impressed! I feel like my kitchen is very dirty now....

  96. I'd start with my tupperware cabinet. All those lids & bowls everywhere! AARGH!

  97. Pantry, definitely the pantry. It has absolutely zero organization right now!

  98. i would organize my cabinets, all the plastic stuff.

  99. My catch-all cooking utensil drawer is awful.

  100. I'd probably go to work on one of my utensil drawers too.

    A note: I've found great organizing bins for the pantry and freezer and drawers at thrift stores. Cheap plastic baskets and other containers are to be had for pennies. That is, if one doesn't have an old Velveeta cheese box laying around. :)

  101. O my, I would start with the medicine cabinet. It not only has a big med bucket, but phone books, playdou, blender...who knows whatelse.

  102. I have some cupboards that need to be reorganized. I have been pretty good about organizing and reorganizing to make our kitchen as efficiently as possible, but there is always more to be done. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  103. Our house was built in 1929 and even with a kitchen remodel the previous owners did we still don't have a pantry. I keep everything as parred down as possible and all my small appliances are off the counters under the kitchen sink! I can't stand cluttered counter tops. Having little storage space keeps me from buying single use gadgets or appliances I don't really need.

  104. Definitely the part of the kitchen I use the most! My baking cabinets! they're a mess, but I am always taking stuff in and out of them, so stacking things neatly is nearly impossible!

  105. I use an old Velveeta box too!! How funny.

    I was just thinking this morning how badly I need to reorganize my PANTRY.

    Thanks for offering this giveaway!

  106. My kitchen drawers definitely need some organizing! I never thought of using a small basket or box in the drawer for loose items.

  107. i really need to organize my junk drawer

  108. I can't wait to start organizing all of my drawers in my kitchen. We are getting ready to move into our new house and I think it will be great to start from scratch to get everything the way that is most useful to me. The drawers in my kitchen now are really small so I am really excited about getting more room.


  109. I wish I could find a way to organize my baking supplies!

  110. Organizing my dried goods, such as flour, and other items that should be in air tight containers is what I am working on right now. Looking for the best containers for the price.

  111. Getting and staying organized is so hard to do! Maybe the book would help! Thanks for a chance to win!

  112. Would LOVE to start in my pantry. It is a DISASTER. Every few months I empty it reorganize it. But obviously, not successfully or it would stay clean!

  113. I have to do the utensil drawer. I can not find my SS 1/4 cup measure. It has been MIA since Christmas. I hope that one of my kitchen helpers, AKA as Grand daughters ( 5 yo, 3 yo, 2 yo) did not accidentally toss it in the trash.

  114. Would love a chance to win a copy of the book. Would probably start in the kitchen drawers.

  115. I need help with recipe organization!

  116. Two hot spots need attention- my junk drawer, which is overflowing and several items on the top shelves of my cabinets which probably can be donated.

  117. We just got new kitchen cabinets that i am organizing. I now have drawers beside my stove for my pots and pans. The best things is now I have a dishwasher. Yay

  118. I am currently trying to organize my storage containers so that i can quickly get what i want. I have those wonderful containers on the spinners but unfortunately they are not enough for everything, especially since i like to use those containers for everything in the house.

  119. I would start on my counter tops. I have just received a VitaMix (hip hurray!!) and I plan on it joining my Kitchen Aid mixer and Wonder Mill, but have no room because my counters are all hot spots. There has to be a place for all this mess, and I don't think it's all in the kitchen :-).

  120. Most definitely my pantry!! Thanks for the fun giveaway!

  121. My cabinets are in desperate need of organizing! I keep meaning to do it but it's such a large undertaking that I immediately get overwhelmed and give up.

  122. I have two drawers that I would rearrange, my kitchen utensil drawer and my pots and pan cupboard. Thanks for all the tips I never thought about a drawer liner to keep things in place!

  123. I have a counter top with baskets that seems to catch all my clutter. That's where I would start!

  124. I would probably start with the cluttered utensil drawer. There is just too much stuff in there! I would also love to tackle the counters. Visually, clean counters are very peaceful and orderly, but I tend to forget about things if they are tucked away.

  125. My cabinets are deep, but that's not always a great thing. Items get lost!

  126. Oh, I need so much help with my kitchen! I don't honestly know WHERE to start. We just moved in in November so everything is just sorta stuck in places. I think my pantry is what is suffering the most, maybe? I'm just lost as to what to do anywhere!

  127. First my tupperware cabinet...then my junk drawer!
    Thanks for the great giveaway.

  128. Oh, like so many, the pantry seems to be my biggest trouble spot. 1st time visitor today, looking forward to reading more! :)

  129. I'd say my pantry. We are very minimalist since we are planning to move but my pantry gets help last.

  130. I've just finished organising my pantry - or so I thought - now I'll reorganise it with some of your ideas - thanks!

  131. We will be moving soon and I'm going to have to start from scratch on arranging my new kitchen - i'm dreading it. Any help I can get would be awwesome.

  132. I need to start by cleaning out and re-organizing my pantry.

  133. What a great site and what a cute couple you guys are! Thanks for joining up with the other bloggers to offer this great giveaway! I appreciate it!



  134. I need to organize the cupboards. We moved in to our house in December and I had no idea how I wanted to organize the kitchen. I still haven't unpacked all my Tupperware because I don't know how I want it. The food sections are semi put together with like foods, but when I bring groceries home, it's a nightmare to put them away!

  135. The tupperware drawer seems to go to disorder overnight.

  136. I have just started re-organising and decluttering my kitchen. I started in my pantry, and freed up the bottom shelf for all my big appliances, thus freeing up space in my underbench cupboards. So next up I need to try and get those under control. I love the idea of the baking gadgets in the drawer all together.

  137. I'd start with the pantry! I have a large shelved two-door pantry in my kitchen and although I recently threw out a lot of expired items, it could really use some organizing! I'd also do the fridge... i can never find what I'm looking for in there!

  138. Hard to say what I would organize first. Maybe the junk drawer?


  139. Dang I forgot to leave my email with my comment about organizing spices. Can you please put me in the drawing?

  140. the countertop on my island needs major help. everything ends up piled up in a heap

    kathleenkmccoy at hotmail dot com

  141. I would start with our pots and pans then move to plastic storage. These are most out of order in our kitchen!

  142. My whole kitchen needs a makeover but probably start with the pantry.

  143. I have a bottom corner cabinet that only has one small door, but TONS of space......weird, I know. Wish I could post a pic.


  144. I took care of the plastic container prob in my kitchen by buying several (probably more than I needed) of 3 different height square disposable containers. Now all the lids stack together, with only 3 additional stacks for the separate sizes. Helps organize leftovers in the fridge too.

  145. I moved a month ago and the very first thing I organized was my baking cabinet. It's the fullest of all of my cabinets and has all my spices, sugars, flours, and any extra products I need for baking and cooking. I put it right over the portion of my counter where I do most of my prep work.

    I love your magnetic menu board. I may have to get one myself!

  146. Oh my goodness, where do i start! We just recently completed a kitchen extension literally a couple of weeks before our son was born. So everything was hurridly put away and we have since found through using the space that things really aren't in the right places at all.

    This year is all about getting my home organised and it's the theme of my blog and the kitchen is pretty high on the list of priorities after the aforementioned son's nursery and our living room.

    I guess i would start by literally taking everything out of every cupboard, cleaning each shelf and then working on putting it all back. My baking supplies need a bigger cupboard for a start as that's a hobby which has grown a lot in recent months!

    Love your blog!
    Sarah. x

  147. I just recently organized my cabinets, but I have this horrible "closet" due to the retrofitting of my kitchen to hold a stacked washer and drier. Sounds really odd, and it is hard to explain, but trust me, it collects all the junk and it needs to be decluttered and made useful again.

  148. ooh, my container drawer! I always end up with more tops than containers. Very frustrating. It's always a mess. I can't seem to find the right system to make it work.


  149. Both my pantry and my spice cupboard need serious help. Part of the problem is the way I organize vs. the way my DH organizes. Just when I think I have things in order, he changes it up on me.... very frustrating.

  150. I don't even know where to begin. My pantry I think is the worst culprit. I get it organized and it stays that way for approximately 3 days.

  151. I need to organize it all. I think I would start with my pantry. Need to go through it all and revamp it.

  152. I would have to start in my cabinets.....they are a mess! I just don't have enough room and really need to work on using what little space that I have the best way possible. Thanks for a chance to win! :-)

  153. I would like to organize my refrigerator better, I seem to lose food in there and before I know it, its expired. Great blog BTW, good read! :)

  154. Thank you for mentioning rearranging the kitchen. There have been times when I wonder why I haven't moved things around sooner. We are just starting the menu planning process in our house. Last week was wonderful! Thanks for you tips!

  155. Oh, the places to organize! Where to start? The cupboards where all the dishes and pans are kept? The pantry? The drawers? I don't know where I would start first. I just know I need to start. Thank you for the opportunity!

  156. keeping my fingers crossed!!

    i would definitely organize my pots and pans area... they are all crammed in and exploding out!

  157. There are too many areas to choose from, as we contemplate a major kitchen renovation, but I'd have to say that the most important place to start is our silverware/spatulas/commonly used utensils drawer...courtesy of SnoWhite's mother...

  158. Love your kitchen! I would first have to start with my junk drawers and move on to the cabinets.

  159. We just had a kitchen re-do also. All new cabinets etc.We have 2 corner lazy susans, one below, and one in the corner in the kitchen pantry cabinet.


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.