Thursday, February 3, 2011

Super Bowl Munchies: Cinnamon Pretzels

Want a pretzel that tastes like a mini doughnut?!  

I know.  They're good.  And, they really do have that mini doughnut taste.  I like the combo of the sweet and salty - oh my.  

These would be a great addition to a Super Bowl party spread; offering a hint of something sweet amidst the cheesy, spicy, gooey dishes that are bound to make an appearance.  

Cinnamon Sugar Pretzels - Adapted from the Baking Junkie

1-2 (16oz) bag of fat-free pretzel twists
1/8 C oil; I used olive oil
1/3 C sugar
2 tsp. cinnamon

Begin by pouring the pretzels into a large bowl.

When I made the recipe, I combined the cinnamon and sugar with the olive oil as the original recipe suggested.  

Only problem was... when I cut down the amount of oil, I ended up with globs of cinnamon/sugar/oil.  Gross.  

After enough stirring, I was able to make this work; but I have different recommendations for you.  First, drizzle the olive oil over the pretzels and stir to coat.  

Then, mix together the cinnamon and sugar.  

Sprinkle this mixture over the lightly-oiled pretzels.  

Bake the pretzels at 300 degrees for 30-40 minutes; stir every 10 minutes.  

Allow the pretzels to cool, and then serve.  

Looking for other Super Bowl Snack ideas? Check out our snack page for more ideas!


This post is linked to: URS, Full Plate Thursday, Recipe SwapIt's a Keeper, Feasting in Fellowship Friday, Fun with Food Friday, Potluck Sunday, Sundae Scoop, Sweet Tooth Friday.


  1. Ok, now those sound really good! Never thought to put cinnamon on pretzels!! YUM!

  2. these look and sound delish! I may have to buy some pretzels and make this for the super bowl!

  3. what a great idea! I'll have to give those a try...I'm sure my pretzel loving kids would adore those!

  4. What a neat idea! I've never thought of that combination. I bet my whole family will love these. Thanks for sharing :)

  5. Ohhh, these sounds really, really good! I might try it with Coconut Oil instead of Olive Oil, just because I am slightly obsessed with Coconut Oil lately, lol! Thanks so much for sharing!

  6. I am so trying this today! My kids will LOVE it! Thanks!

  7. Ohh what a great idea!! My kids would love them-they are pretzel junkies;)

  8. What a great combination! Two of my favorites!
    Thank you for sharing!

  9. Yum! Never would've combined cinnamon with pretzels and it sounds delicious. Perfect for the super bowl party!

  10. Hello! Great idea, I love sweet treats.

  11. mmmmm...sweet & salty??? You had me at hello! Great job! :)

  12. Hi Sno White,
    Your Cinnamon Sugar Pretzels will be a great hit at our gathering today and our Super Bowl Party. These really look good, I love the sweet and salty taste.Thank you so much for bringing this great treat to Full Plate Thursday. You have a warm and cozy week end and hope to see you next week!

  13. Oh this looks good. I love sweet and salty together, so I'm sure this would be quite yummy!

  14. These look so good! I love sweet and salty!

  15. So I made these for the kids yesterday and they all loved them. (of course!) THanks!

  16. I NEVER would have thought of this! Brilliant! Can't wait to try this recipe!

  17. YUM! These sound delish! Love how easy they are!

  18. Thanks for linking up to the It's a Keeper Thursday blog hop! I hope you come back this Thursday and link something new!

    It's a Keeper

  19. These sound heavenly! Thanks for linking up with Sweet Tooth Friday.

  20. That could be dangerous but I'd love to give them a try! Salty sweet combos are the best.

  21. I love making these. I shared this same recipe around Christams time. They make very cute gifts wrapped in a cello bag and tied with pretty ribbon.


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