Monday, May 23, 2011

Excuse the dust...

Frog Prince and I started renovating again... making our online kitchen look and feel a little more like our IRL kitchen!

If you're reading from a feed reader, you'll want to click over to see some of the new features.

In this first batch of updates, you'll see:

  • A new color scheme, that is derived from our kitchen!
  • Less clutter on the side bars
  • An "ingredients cloud" -- click on any ingredient you have in your fridge or pantry to find recipes that feature that ingredient.
  • New ways to connect: Facebook, Twitter and RSS feed buttons; and buttons under each post
  • A Printable Recipe Feature under each post
  • A "Flipcard" way to view photos of the recipes on Finding Joy in My Kitchen - found under "Photo Recipe Index" in the top navigation bar {please note... this shows posts in chronological order and is not searchable}

Coming soon:

  • Updated recipe index {I'm super excited about this!}
  • New blog buttons -- including Friday Favorite Finds!
  • Kitchen Tips section

Please excuse the dust and rearranging over the next few days as we settle in.

And, if you have any comments or suggestions for Finding Joy in My Kitchen, be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments, over on Facebook, or send me an email!


  1. i love the new look so far! :D

  2. Excited to see the new "stuff"! :D

  3. Wow, you've been busy! Love all the changes...especially the index!

  4. It looks wonderful. Very organized and nice and clean looking. I might swipe the ingredient cloud or the flip card view ideas. I saw those cool new templates that blogger is implementing a few weeks ago. Perfect for a visual recipe index.

  5. I love the look and color scheme. Recipe cloud!! woo hoo! I like that!

  6. Very nice! I like it! And I must say, am a wee bit jealous. Needing a serious blog makeover myself and coming up empty on figuring it all out. *sigh* Any advice?


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.