Sunday, April 27, 2014

Menu Plan–April 27

It has been a little quiet around here this week – that’s a sign that things are busy.  We have three weeks left in the semester and they are packed.  There are lots of meetings to have before summer. 

Knowing things are getting busy, I sat down yesterday morning and menu planned the entire month of May.  It took about 45 minutes because I can never decide what to make, but I am so thankful it is done.  We’ll see how well we follow it to see if its worth it to do it for June. 

On to the menu this week:

Leftover Grilled Italian Sausage & Parmesan Potato Wedges {new}

Springtime Crockpot Minestrone {new}
To do: Dice extra veggies for lasagna

15-Minute Skillet Lasagna, Roasted Asparagus
To do: Shred extra carrots for soup

To do: Thaw shredded zucchini

Veggie Cheese Soup & Open Faced Sandwiches
To do: Thaw chicken

Garlic Lime Chicken {new}, Rice & Chips 
To do: Nothing

Pizza Roll Ups, salad
To do: Make BBQ sauce, prep dinner for Sunday

Menu Plan Monday is hosted at Organizing Junkie - stop by for hundreds of menus

Find more great menus at OrgJunkie’s Menu Plan Monday!


  1. Looks like a delicious and hearty week ahead!!! Enjoy and blessings, Catherine

  2. It only took you 45 minutes to plan the whole month!? Sometimes it takes me that long to plan a week's worth of meals. I do like the idea of planning the whole month and then just having it done. It's something to think about for sure.

    I'm going to check out some the links you've shared now. Thanks! :)

    1. It usually takes me ~30 minutes to plan one week... most of my time is spent going through my recipes, pins, etc., trying to decide what to make! So, this month I decided to write down all the things that "looked good to me" when I did my browsing, and I had enough for an entire month in only 15 extra minutes. Hope you enjoy the links.


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.