Friday, October 21, 2011

{31 Days} Cooking from Scratch: Granola Bars

One of our favorite snacks are granola bars.  I’ve loved them since I was little girl. 


Making granola bars from scratch is super easy – and wonderful because you can customize them with exactly what YOU like in your granola bars.  Even better – you can pronounce all the ingredients that go into making them. 

5 Tips for Making Granola Bars

(1) Use brown rice krispies in the mix to bring a light, airy crunch to your granola bars.

(2) Line the baking pan with parchment paper, if desired – this can make them easier to cut. 

(3) Speaking of cutting – if possible, use a pizza cutter.  Cut the bars down the middle, lengthwise, and then in 1-1 1/2 inch strips horizontally. 

(4) Buy ingredients in bulk – oats, dried fruit, chocolate, etc., are all cheaper per ounce when you buy them in bulk.  Do so and your granola bars will be even cheaper.

(5) Be patient.  While the granola bar may taste wonderful – the first pass at them may not be what you want.  They may be too hard, too soft, or too crumbly.  Try again & don’t give up!

Granola Bar Recipes

Click on the images below to see some of our favorite granola bar recipes. 


Pinterest Granola Bar Recipe Finds

Because I love Pinterest, I have lots of yummy granola bars pinned on my “Snacks to Try” board – I thought I’d share a few with you today. 

Note: All photos below belong to the posters of the recipes; if you click on any image, you’ll be taken to that recipe.  To see them all in one swoop, visit my Pinterest Snack Board

Pinned Image Pinned Image
cut into bars bars5
Chewy Granola Bars

Do you have a favorite granola bar recipe?  Share below, please!!


  1. Here In MAlaysia I never tried a single Granola before, so it's very lucky for for me to discover your blog. Really love it ^_^

  2. I made your recipe for donut muffins tonight and they were a hit. I used all spelt flour,brown sugar, pear and cinnamon cider I found at Trader Joes and put in pumpkin pie spice instead of the cinnamon which I was out of. They were very good. Thank you for a recipe without butter or oil!

  3. Love, love granola bars! Didn't know u could make them at home!

  4. I've made homemade granola bars before and once I made them, I couldn't go back to any storebought kind. I'm going to have to try some of the flavors you posted!

    The granola bars I had made had dried pineapple, crystallized ginger and dark good!

  5. Here is a favorite recipe of ours:
    Thanks for all of the other recipe links...can't wait to try a few (or all) of them! :)


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.