Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday Favorite Finds #100

Woot!!  100 weeks of Friday Favorite Finds

This weekly feature at Finding Joy in My Kitchen started out as a way for me to give you all some blog love – all your delicious cooking & baking was making my “to try” list of recipes grow out.of.control.  {here’s the very first one!!}

So, I started posting these recipe finds here. On Fridays.  And, you started commenting.  Out of that grew the interest in having a linky so that you all can share your recipes to try too! 

The face of Friday Favorite Finds has changed a bit over the years….


But, I find myself always looking forward to Fridays! 

Thank you so much for making this linky a part of your week.

I know there is so much going on in all our lives and in all of blogland – so it is extra special for me that you come back here week after week and participate and visit one another’s links.  You are all wonderful.

As a “THANK YOU” to you, I am going to give away an Amazon Gift Card to one of our regular participants here.  After the linky closes this week, I’ll choose one of you to receive the $25 Amazon Gift Card. The only criteria – you have to have linked up to at least one prior Friday Favorite Finds. 

For this week, I went back through my old Friday Favorite Finds Posts, pinned some oldies and want to share with you some of the recipes I’ve found… that I still haven’t made….but I was pleasantly surprised by the number of finds I actually have made!

{Note: all photos are from the author of the recipes, linked from Pinterest}

Zucchini Rotini
{From Gluten-Free Homemaker}

Springtime Shells
{Cook with Sara}

Greek Yogurt Pie
{One Perfect Bite}

Bacon-Wrapped Pineapple Bites
{Tasty Kitchen}

Cherry Cheesecake Cookies
{The Changetable}


f you were featured, feel free to grab the button below!

Please link up to a post containing your list of recipes to try -- do not link up individual recipes please, save those for other linkys.  Your links will be deleted if they are for individual recipes.  Be sure to leave a link back here to Finding Joy in My Kitchen.


  1. Happy 100th! I always love reading your blog and recipes. Thanks for creating the link party. It's a great way to share all of the great ideas out there.

  2. Happy 100 posts! I have enjoyed reading each week.

  3. Congrats on 100 weeks of Finds!

  4. It all looks so good! Hope you have a great St. Patrick's Day week end and thanks for hosting!
    Miz Helen

  5. YAY!!! Happy 100 :))
    And thank you for hosting!

  6. Congratulations on your 100th post. I didn't know this was a weekly meme, so glad one of your "regulars" linked to your page :)

  7. Those pineapple-bacon bites looks delicious! And congrats on your 100th week of FFF! Even when I don't have a chance to link up, I always enjoy checking out what everyone found.

  8. Hi, Sno. Thanks so much for hosting this each week. I know, hosting a linky party definitely grows into love for the bloggers who link regularly. I feel that way about my Must Try Monday linky. So much fun! Congrats on #100!

  9. Congrats on a successful 100th F.F.F. Post! Your blog is one ofvthe first that inspired me to feed my family more whole, healthy (and delicious!) foods. Thanks so much ... And enjoy this 80 degree weekend Minnesota winter!

  10. Happy 100th FFF post! :) I am off to check out that rotini recipe - yum!!

  11. 100 Favorite Friday Finds, what a great resource. I know that I check by own Friday Finds regularly to check out what I had come across that I wanted to make. I need to check out the links back from the beginning. I'll bet there is some good stuff there that I have missed. Thanks so much for hosting each week. This is always such fun.

  12. Happy 100th Link-Up! Such a great idea and it's so fun to participate. It also (somewhat) legitimizes pouring through numerous foodie blogs week after week...because I have to be able to pick my favorites, right? ;-)

    Thanks for hosting and excited to see who wins the giftcard! :-)

  13. Happy 100 Favorite Finds! I love linking up to this weekly feature! May you have a wonderful weekend!

  14. Wow..Happy 100th FFF post!! Im glad to find you here in bloglang.Thanks for hosting and sharing too.Hope to be here in every post!Happy Weekend to everyone.

  15. Congrats on your 100th FFF! I know I always find some (or a lot :P) of tasty eats here!

  16. I really like all of your recipes! =)
    I have your blog button on my reading site -

    Have a wonderful day!


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.