Sunday, March 18, 2012

Menu Plan–March 18

What a week… the week before spring break & temps here soared into the 80s!  Talk about spring fever amongst my students {and me}.  And, we celebrated 100 weeks of Friday Favorite Finds on the 16th.  The weather this week allowed us to grill – which, I admit was a little strange when we ate off of our winter dishes.  But, it was wonderful nonetheless. 

Our St. Patrick’s Day eats consisted of a colorful rainbow alfredo and mint cookies & cream ice cream rather than our planned green soup and bread.  I just couldn’t bring myself to make soup when it was 80 degrees. 

Now that tests and papers are behind my students and grading is ahead for me – I am looking forward to a relaxing week filled with a little bit of spring cleaning with my mom!  On our menu this week:

Irish Soda Bread French Toast
Irish Soda Bread {new}, Irish Stew {new}

Orange Cranberry Muffins

Crockpot BBQ chicken sandwiches, 40-minute hamburger rolls, pickles

Oatmeal Cookie Pancakes with Blueberries {new}
Cheesy Broccoli Chicken and Rice with Bacon {new}
Snickerdoodle Cake {new}

Cherry Blueberry Breakfast Cake
Un-stuffed Cabbage Roll Casserole {new}

Granola & Fruit
Chicken Spinach Quiche
Basketball Game Eats - Hot Pizza Dip {new}

Beef and Cabbage Bread Pockets {new}, baked red potatoes

Make-Ahead Spinach Pasta Bake


Menu Plan Monday is hosted at Organizing Junkie - stop by for hundreds of menus

Find more great menus at OrgJunkie’s Menu Plan Monday!


  1. I made Irish Soda bread this week, so I'm definitely checking out the french toast version as a way to use the leftovers.

  2. Great menu plan! Just found you and subscibed - I'm inspired already. I must say that I also had to abandon my original menu plans starting last week as we've been in the 80s as well! Crazy, crazy weather. I'm spying a couple of things from your menu to try now - at least the oven keeps most of the heat INside.

  3. Sounds good! You are trying a lot of new recipes. I hope they turn out great. :)

  4. Looks like a great menu!! I wish it was warm here, Oregon hasn't gotten the message that it's officially Spring, lol!

  5. i bookmarked the cabbage recipe and the snickerdoodle one
    i cant wait to try them out
    Here is a link to my Menu Plan
    I'd love if you checked it out
    Enjoy your weekend:)


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.