Sunday, February 3, 2013

Menu Plan–February 3

The one where I turn 30. 

And, the one where my best friend from High School gets married on my 30th birthday! 

One would think I would not be ready for this birthday, but I am. 

I am super thankful for all the amazing things that happened this decade:

  • getting a college degree,
  • moving to Michigan,
  • meeting my husband,
  • traveling & living in Alaska,
  • developing life-long friendships,
  • finding my true calling and passion,
  • staring this food blog,
  • standing in the northern & southern hemisphere at the same time,
  • traveling north of the Arctic circle in the same year as being on the equator,
  • getting married,
  • buying our first home,
  • getting my PhD, and
  • obtaining my first faculty job at my dream institution. 

But, I’m ready for a new decade. 
A new leaf.
Waiting in hope for the awesome things God has promised. 

This menu plan is the last of my 20s – here’s to a fabulous week!

Berry Baked Oatmeal
Super Bowl Eats: Crockpot White Chicken Chili, Cheesy Broccoli Potato Dip {new}, No-Bake Cheesecake {new}, Fruit & Veggies, Chips & Salsa

To do: Thaw chicken broth for soup

Leftover Berry Baked Oatmeal
Leftover Chili

Granola, berries
Winter Minestrone

To do: Make cake!

Granola & Broiled Grapefruit
Zucchini, Black Beans & Rice Sauté {new}

To do: Thaw spaghetti sauce

Leftover Berry Baked Oatmeal
Spaghetti Pizza Braid {new}, green beans

To do: Thaw chicken

Granola  & Dried Fruit
Crockpot Italian Chicken {new} & Brown Rice, veggies

Saturday {Birthday & Wedding}
Blueberry Waffles {new}
Crockpot Busy Day Soup, French Bread, Whole Wheat Carrot Zucchini Cake

Menu Plan Monday is hosted at Organizing Junkie - stop by for hundreds of menus

Find more great menus at OrgJunkie’s Menu Plan Monday!


  1. Have a very happy birthday!! I only have two years left in my 30s, and so far the 30s have been waaay better than 20s! (Although your 20s sounded pretty awesome!).

    1. Thanks, Holly! I appreciate your encouragement.

  2. Love this post! And have a wonderful birthday :)

  3. Happy Birthday to you! Great post.

  4. Happy birthday! Just so you know you have readers of all ages (since Holly said she's younger than you,) I have daughters your age--one a year older and one a year younger.

    I enjoy your blog and have used several of your recipes. All good! Love that you post your weekly menus.

    1. Thanks, Mimi! I appreciate learning a little more about my readers -- so thanks.

  5. Happy Birthday! The 30s are the best!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Heather! I am looking forward to them with great hope.

  6. What a wonderful attitude!! Seriously, it's like a smile comes through with every post!!! Your blog is a joy to read!

  7. Such amazing accomplishments! I hope you have a wonderful birthday. I will be following you next month in leaving my 20's! A lot to be thankful for and a lot to look forward to. Our God is amazing! :)


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