Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas Cookie Favorites

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I love baking Christmas goodies -- my mom is to "blame" for that one :) Some of my favorite Christmas memories took place in the kitchen over Christmas break making goodies galore.

So, I am linking up a few of our favorite Christmas goodies at Exemplify Online's Christmas Recipes, The Mom Creative Cookie Exchange, Kara's Kitchen Creations and at Bake at 350's Flavor of the Month. Be sure to stop by for some great ideas, or to link up your own Christmas favorites.

A few of our favorites include:

(a Frog Prince family tradition that has quickly become our favorite too!)

yep -- they're that good...

(100% whole wheat!!)

(sorry, no photo)

My mom's caramels!
(sorry... no recipe, it's a family secret)

My mom makes THOUSANDS of these every winter...
you can order some from her if you wish.

Dark Chocolate Cherry Bark

Soft Gingerbread Cookies

Yeah, we like Christmas cookies at our place!! Just a little.

What Christmas cookie do you have to have each year? Are there new recipes we should try adding to our family?

This post is also linked to:


  1. Oh my goodness! I'd like to try several of these. Thanks for sharing them!

    Hope you're having a wonderful week!

  2. Wow, these look so great! I'll definitely be trying out a few! :)

  3. well, yesterday I blogged about a pretty good (really good) Orange - coconut delight. The only cookie I have ever made (shhh, don't tell anyone)

  4. These all look supremely delicious! I'm in cookie heaven.

  5. What a wonderful assortment of holiday treats. They all look so good I couldn't pick a favorite from among them.

  6. I really want those mint chocolate cookie crunch. I haven't been able to find mint chips, though. If I can't find them soon, I'm just going to get regular ones and add mint flavouring.

  7. Those oreo truffles look amazing!

  8. I may have just drooled on my keyboard. Yum! I am way jealous over the caramels. I don't think I would have to patience though :)

    I am going to have to try the oreo truffles. I love oreos!


  9. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I can't wait to check out more of your recipes!

  10. Holey moley these look good! I can't decide which one I should try first. ;)

    Thanks so much for linking up to my cookie recipe swap!

  11. Thanks or all the great recipes and linking to TMTT.

  12. Wow these all look excellent. Thanks for linking up to the Holiday Treat exchange.

  13. What a great assortment of goodies you have. They all look so yummy. I have yet to actually bake anything.....I think I'm waiting for the kids to be out of school so they can help.

  14. They all look so yummy, I don't know where to start!

  15. These are all so awesome. I'm gaining weight just reading! Thank you for linking up to OuR KrAzY KiTcHeN Christmas cookie party.

  16. Well this post made me HUNGRY!!! Thank you so much for linking up!

  17. Yummy! Great selections. I think I'd like the soft gingerbread cookies very much!

  18. Wow, all of your goodies look SO GOOD! Your kitchen must smell heavenly at this time of year! Happy New Year!!!

  19. That is a lot of JOY :)
    It all looks yummy!


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.