Monday, October 31, 2011

{31 Days} Cooking from Scratch–Day 31

Well, dear friends, we made it!  Today, marks the end of our 31-day series to cooking from scratch. 


It’s my hope that you left this series feeling empowered to cook at least one thing from scratch that you haven’t previously. 

We covered a lot of ground in this series.  Starting out back at the beginning of October, we learned how to stock our pantry, then ventured into the realm of cooking with these items.  Here’s a recap: 

Stocking Up & Starting Out
Menu Planning 101
DIY Pantry Staples
Baking Essentials
Lipids & Wines
Chocolates & other sweets
Canned Goods
Stocking your Fridge & Freezer

Breakfasts from Scratch
Homemade Doughnuts
Homemade Muffins
Homemade Pancakes
Ditch the cereal box – DIY granola

Homemade Bread – Yes you can!
Tips for starting out making bread
Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread
Whole Wheat Hamburger Rolls
No-Knead Focaccia Bread

Lunches from Scratch
Whole Wheat Tortillas

Dinners from Scratch
Spaghetti & Homemade Meatballs
Homemade Pizza & Homemade Pasta
Cooking a Chicken & Making Chicken Broth

Snacks from Scratch
DIY Crackers
DIY Fruit Snacks
DIY Granola Bars
DIY Dips

Desserts from Scratch
Delicious & easy cakes, brownies & more!

Condiments from Scratch
Try your hand at salad dressings, ketchup & more!

Now, I have one question for you {okay, 2 – but the other is over on Facebook}:

 If I took this series & made it into an e-book, is this something that would interest you?  If so, is there anything you’d like me to elaborate on in the e-book that I didn’t in this series?  

I hope you had a good time with this series; I certainly did!  It was a treat to share this journey with you.  Thanks for reading along – and, be sure to stop by on Facebook to interact with the FJiMK community today!


at Finding Joy in My Kitchen


  1. I definitely like the idea of an ebook. I think that you should include some of your favorites, but also some brand new recipes. And maybe a section on reducing sugar and adding in whole grains?

  2. I think it was a great series, I'm not a big fan of ebooks - I prefer to save things in my own storage methods - they become like cookbooks I don't open LOL

    However I think it is a good collection - go for it!

  3. I am now following you. I love to cook. I just printed out your overnight Cinnamon Sugar Coffee Cake recipe.

  4. This is fantastic! Cooking from scratch is so worth it and Im excited to see other bloggers encouraging everyone to experience real home cookin!

    1. Thanks, Kristin. I appreciate your encouragement.


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear from you; especially how you're finding JOY in your kitchen.