Sunday, April 7, 2013

Menu Plan–April 7

Any one else still have leftover ham?  We do.  But, we’ve put it in the freezer.   After a week of delicious ham leftovers, we are taking a break from ham and are going to enjoy other meals this week. 

We are looking forward to trying some new recipes – but also love some oldies on the menu this week: BBQ Chicken Pizza, Breakfast Potatoes and Honey Mustard Stir Fry.  Oh, and Cheesy Chicken Ranch Casserole.  Love that one. 

This week, I’ll be sure to share the delicious recipe I forgot to post last week… here’s a sneak peek:

On our menu this week:

Leftover Whole Wheat Waffles {new}, maple apple sauté
Broccoli Pesto Pasta {new}, steamed veggies

To do: Prep veggies for stir fry, make baked oatmeal

Blueberry Rhubarb Baked Oatmeal
Honey Mustard Stir Fry, Brown Rice

To do: Cook wild rice, thaw chicken

Leftover Baked Oatmeal
Parmesan Chicken Bake {new}, wild rice, steamed veggies

To do: Make muffins for Bible study

Applesauce Granola and Fruit
Dessert for Bible Study: Apple Butter Muffins {new}

To do: Nothing

Veggie Scramble, Breakfast Potatoes
Cheesy Chicken Ranch Pasta, steamed green beans

To do: Prep pizza toppings, make BBQ sauce

Leftover Veggie Scramble, Breakfast Potatoes
Pizza Night!  BBQ Chicken and White Bean Italian Pizza

To do: Make cherry crisp {new}

Grilling – Pork Burgers. 

Menu Plan Monday is hosted at Organizing Junkie - stop by for hundreds of menus

Find more great menus at OrgJunkie’s Menu Plan Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, the Cheesy Chicken Ranch Casserole looks yummy!


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